scrapping down Artex

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just a quick note guys... if the Artex is in an old house..( I think it was pre 70;s ) but check that... it will contain asbestos, so make sure you aint scrapping that **** down.. overboard it, was going to post this on the skimming over artex section but its closed.. remember you only catch asbestosis once.. be careful...
Good advice! But live in the real world! Example it might contain asbestos it might not more than likely it doesnt ill tell what jib that job no money that day ! Get someone else to scrape it harsh but true !
i have asked customers to scrape it if they want it done and told builders that im not scraping artex, Not that anyone listens to you!
So the customer or the lab on site scrapes it, then come the end of the day the room gets breathe it in anyway.
i have a friend who has asbestosis he found out last year he is only 40 :RpS_scared: it put the shits up me so if they need the artex scraped they can do it them selfs.
just a quick note guys... if the Artex is in an old house..( I think it was pre 70;s ) but check that... it will contain asbestos, so make sure you aint scrapping that **** down.. overboard it, was going to post this on the skimming over artex section but its closed.. remember you only catch asbestosis once.. be careful...

Your gonna be disturbing the asbestos even if you overboard it
Get it tested if you want to be that careful don't just let someone else do it, some of you want a slap.. If it's kept wet it will generally be fine, its dust with fibres that are the problem. Lots of dumb fools in the plastering game. Dust from mixing is also harmful as is any dust.. It's all about percentage and common sense. If it bothers you just don't do it.
When your mate sounds like he is drowning when he breaths you might change your mind.
Trying to get anyone to test anything is impossable.
I allways let them know why I wont scrap them so its up to them.
I understand that jessop, I have seen people dying from drink and cigarettes, do you avoid pubs and off licences, artex in the last 20 yrs has low levels of asbestos,you can find the info online, but what I object to is letting someone else do what you feel is unhealthy, the best thing is just to leave it.
I give them the choice (the builder I tell them its there job they deal with it) and everone is ok with that I do loose a job now and then but I will live with that.
As for smoking and drinking come on man thats soooo different who is going to have a good time on asbestos?
I give them the choice (the builder I tell them its there job they deal with it) and everone is ok with that I do loose a job now and then but I will live with that.
As for smoking and drinking come on man thats soooo different who is going to have a good time on asbestos?
You have a pint there, not the best analogy I have ever used. But not everyone drinks for pleasure. For some its to sustain a certain mental function of blotto. But on to the scraping, the fibres are so small that the are invisible to your eyes,the can get into Your bloodstream and are very likely to be in the room for a long time following the scraping do wear a mask ,gloves and a disposable suit.
this is gonna go on all day init?
No. I was not having a go at you. I remember the days when builders used to get us to bury it in basements, sheets of it, horrible to think of it now, we are more knowledgable now but there is danger all around us, the obvious and not so obvious.
i never worried about it till last year. Just before my mate got it one of my customers came in the pub with his family looking like ****,I asked his son whats up with him he said asbestosis then he had a stroke so now he thinks everyday is thursday and askes his son everyday whats up with him.
That could be anyone of us!
Is your mate still alive who got it last year? Has he got the symptoms of it coz I don't think it is a definite thing just the symptoms is blocked lungs.
Yep still alive he was told at the time to expect to be dead within a year. But he is doing ok at the mo
I rang an old joiner friend of mine about 4 years ago who used to do loft conversions, I plastered about 4 a year for him. I had not heard of him for ages so rang him, the phones ringing and he answers and I said "alright b*ll***s are you still alive" and in a croaky voice he said "just about" he was dead within the month with asbestosis. It was very sad I used to get good money off him ;)
I rang an old joiner friend of mine about 4 years ago who used to do loft conversions, I plastered about 4 a year for him. I had not heard of him for ages so rang him, the phones ringing and he answers and I said "alright b*ll***s are you still alive" and in a croaky voice he said "just about" he was dead within the month with asbestosis. It was very sad I used to get good money off him ;)

Send four samples away to cavendish laboratories for £21.60 and results will be emailed next day. Simples

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The best way round this is to seal the artex, then re artex it, once dry scrape high points off (asbestos free) apply pva/bonding agent then skim. No risk to anyone. :RpS_thumbsup:
Artex becomes soft with PVA ,easier to scrape off unless it's glossed

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Artex becomes soft with PVA ,easier to scrape off unless it's glossed

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I was joking about re artexing it then skim mate :RpS_wink:

On unpainted artex after a scrape & a dust off I use artex sealer then pva or bonding agent.
(yes i know artex sealer isn't for sealing artex :flapper: )
But it does the job :RpS_cool:

Other than that on painted artex after a light scrape pva or bonding agent never had any probs.

If anyone is worried about asbestos just get it tested ffs as said above :RpS_thumbsup:
If you had a artex ceiling that was coved , would you just plaster it after the prep or remove the coving , re- plaster then put the coving back?
Ideally I would rip down the old stuff and replace ,but if they weren't paying for it ,I'd do the same as fatarm

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Ideally I would rip down the old stuff and replace ,but if they weren't paying for it ,I'd do the same as fatarm

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ok guys thanks for that , only just wondered cos there wouldn't be much of a border left after 2 coats!
Correct Mucky,if the money is sound ,take it down ,if they won't pay it will have to stay,,,you just have to keep it tight at the edge of the coving and keep cleaning it as you go ,use you finger and thumb as a guide of depth of what you want to show on the cove

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I was joking about re artexing it then skim mate :RpS_wink:

On unpainted artex after a scrape & a dust off I use artex sealer then pva or bonding agent.
(yes i know artex sealer isn't for sealing artex :flapper: )
But it does the job :RpS_cool:

Other than that on painted artex after a light scrape pva or bonding agent never had any probs.

If anyone is worried about asbestos just get it tested ffs as said above :RpS_thumbsup:

Bah, scrape it, plaster it, go pub.

I doubt a wee bit of scraping will harm you, its not like your going to sand it! you just send wee chips everywhere. A coule I wirked for the other week told me they'd had it sent off for analysis and it was fine. Thought that was sweet of them.
Bah, scrape it, plaster it, go pub.

I doubt a wee bit of scraping will harm you, its not like your going to sand it! you just send wee chips everywhere. A coule I wirked for the other week told me they'd had it sent off for analysis and it was fine. Thought that was sweet of them.

They told you that so you'd do it and not charge an arm a leg. It was probably riddled with the stuff....:o

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