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Planks for me as do domestic all the time so theres always a carpet to sheet up so the stillts would get tangled up in the stills me thinks.But maybee one day i might get some stilts and see how i get on with them,if i dont its been nice knowing you.
Bruce Willis said:
Yeh Im thinking of splashing out on some stilts soon. I was just thinking of tall ceilings.

I can reach up to 2.9 on my stilts. And hollybank I use them on domestics no problems at all I just make sure my tarps are as flat as possible.
gps said:
Bruce Willis said:
Yeh Im thinking of splashing out on some stilts soon. I was just thinking of tall ceilings.

I can reach up to 2.9 on my stilts. And hollybank I use them on domestics no problems at all I just make sure my tarps are as flat as possible.
What size would you recommend then? Bearing in mind Ive never used em before!
24-40 are your best bet, they are not that hard to get used too you just need to sort your balance out, I practised in my garden for a few days.
i use mine on domestic all the time. just be a bit more careful. or buy that sticky polythene roll stuff then its not going to move. only £20 a roll, worth every penny. i've got the 18-30 stilts and theres not been a ceiling yet that i havent reached. only £70 on ebay flip
Ok, Ive been thinking about stilts for some time now and I guess once the job Im on is done Ill get a pair.
So what make and size do you all recommend then?
any make. dont listen to these people that say get durastilts or marshall town for £1000 i've had mine 6 years and theyre spot on. with the size, it depends what your doing. if its only extensions. overskims etc 18-30 are fine. dont forget the risk you take with getting the 24-40s is they might be too big for the lower ceilings. then youve got to naff about on a hop up
ive been caught out with that a few times 'your the only one short enough to do those ceilings off the stilts steve'
steve cov said:
haha your shorter than me, 5 8!! no thats £70 brand spanking new mate.
I wish I was taller coz my wang keeps scraping on the floor, just a few inches taller and I wouldnt have to strap it to my leg. ::)
i sometimes use stilts sometimes hop ups with planks.
Prefer to use planks for safety only really,on large wide spaces love to go on the stilts so easy with great manuavarbility in all directions.
Only hard bit is lifting the gear onto the extended spot stand !!!
i only do domestic work now days but still use the stills a fair bit,as often they get rid of carpets or all ready cleared out.
bruce hold youre hand on youre head in a fist now extend youre thumb and youre little finger so youre thumbs on youre head and youre little fingers pointing up now measure the distance from youre little finger to 2.4m this should be the smallest size youre stilts should be ;D
ive got 24 -40 marshalltowns but ive als got some supastilts that go down to 12 inches-only cost about £70 so well worth it-there so small u can skip around on em
a chap posted on another forum the perfect hight for skimming ceilings should be thumb on youre head and youre little finger should touch the ceiling so if the average ceiling height is 2.4 the rest should be the stilts ??? that right or am i losing the plot ;D
A normal hop up for 8 foot ceilings a taller one for 9 foot.

I have a similar scaffold to tony for 10 foot and above, it fits through doorways when set up too. I went halves on it with a mate as its only needed ocasionally. Also have stilts but rarely use them as most domestic ceilings dont warrent them.
spunky said:
a chap posted on another forum the perfect hight for skimming ceilings should be thumb on youre head and youre little finger should touch the ceiling so if the average ceiling height is 2.4 the rest should be the stilts ??? that right or am i losing the plot ;D

Yeh your right that's what i work to aswell
Bruce Willis said:
So its not a wind up method?

Nah.. If your on your stilts, hop up, steps or scaffold the correct working height should be thumb on top of head little finger touching ceiling it's roughly 8 inches from top of your head.
Try it today ;)
Bruce Willis said:
Ok, Ive been thinking about stilts for some time now and I guess once the job Im on is done Ill get a pair.
So what make and size do you all recommend then?
well i have dura stilt the small one i use but got the mid size aswell. i used to have a cheap pair of ebay which are as good. only difference is they quite heavy in comparison. ps dnt by them sky walker shite they a pile of dog poo. seriously poo poo poo
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