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this might sound stupid and it probably is but i dont know nothing about this stuff, i have only ever used waterproofer and feb ???
its used for tanking and a waterproof adhesive as a slurry mixed with cement but a 5 litre tub doesent go far about 7 mtrs normally used in external rendering and tanking cellars commonly
madmonk said:
its used for tanking and a waterproof adhesive as a slurry mixed with cement but a 5 litre tub doesent go far about 7 mtrs normally used in external rendering and tanking cellars commonly

when external rendering...
what situations would you use this instead of a scratch coat or do you still use a scratch coat and do you still use waterproofer to kill the suction?

thanx in advance monk ;)
can be mixed up and used as a slurry...either to kill the suction completely on very porous substrates or as a slurry coat onto substates to aid bonding of the render maybe a painted external wall...where the paint is sound. Expensive stuff...never used on a rendering job myself, you may well find its cheaper to use something like weber rendaid does the same job as above.
good stuff mate but i cant say i've got evidence of it working any better than other stuff. i've said this before but for fucks sake if you use it keep it off your hands
so basicly you use it as slurry before you scratch coat and it helps to bond the s&c to the wall, kills suction, and makes it watertight?

is this right?
Yes but it would be an expensive altenative to other methods...for example External PVA to kill suction, wetting the wall, a mechanical key to aid bonding. If the money is in the job SBR will probably be your best option.

Usually applied with a Tyrollean Gun and I beleive if its for bonding render to the wall...render must be applied when SBR is tacky.
in the book it say's to use sbr on low suction backgrounds (glased red bricks),,, unless the mortor has been raked out to 10mm. and on re-renders.
SkyZOO said:
in the book it say's to use sbr on low suction backgrounds (glased red bricks),,, unless the mortor has been raked out to 10mm. and on re-renders.

we aint readin the same book. what book you readin mate?
the same as sbr without all the mucking about mix up in tub trowel on scratch it penlaw in warrington stock it also dont put on more than 3m2 before scratching
grand wizard said:
the same as sbr without all the mucking about mix up in tub trowel on scratch it penlaw in warrington stock it also dont put on more than 3m2 before scratching

take it it sets fast as fook then?
Didn't realise it could be used a scatch that an expensive way of doing it? how thick do you lay on? and then just put top coat sand cement on?
So would this rendaid work over matt paint on sand and cement to give me a key for a scratch coat of sand and cement,this is for internal work,or could i use WBA?
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