Sausage fingers help!!!

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I’m really touched by how you’ve all rallied round me after I lost *****! @essexandy and @Fatarm have kindly disagreed with several of my posts.... now you’re hitting the ignore button on me....

Cheers lads, it’s been emotional! :cry:

You haven't lost him, you just can't see him anymore.

Now that the dark nights are back, when you're home switch off the lights and have a look out the window. Focus just to one side of the bushes/trees and you'll be able to make out his silhouette in your peripheral vision.

Alternatively, just turn round quickly and look at the window when you're getting your kit off.

You haven't lost him, you just can't see him anymore.

Now that the dark nights are back, when you're home switch off the lights and have a look out the window. Focus just to one side of the bushes/trees and you'll be able to make out his silhouette in your peripheral vision.

Alternatively, just turn round quickly and look at the window when you're getting your kit off.

View attachment 27227
I just thank god his beard and ego wouldn’t allow for him to get that close to the window
You haven't lost him, you just can't see him anymore.

Now that the dark nights are back, when you're home switch off the lights and have a look out the window. Focus just to one side of the bushes/trees and you'll be able to make out his silhouette in your peripheral vision.

Alternatively, just turn round quickly and look at the window when you're getting your kit off.

View attachment 27227
I think that could be anyone of a number of the guys on here where Jess is concerned. I can only assume they like a bit of rough?:whistle: