Sandtext High Build

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I've used a fair bit of it in the past for a bloke i used to work with,
we used to do different patterns mainly bark effect as madmonk says,
but we also did others like stipple & a brushed effect.
But all were trowelled on then patterned,
the bark i use a paint roller cage with a 9" piece of 40mm plastic pipe pushed on the cage.
Then roll it down the trowelled on high build.
We used to seal the render with an oil based sealer or a stabilising solution can't remember which one we used but it gives you more time on large areas.

There's also cullaplast, google it ;)
oasis said:
just trying to get a pic to add 2 a quote ro custmoers use.. cant sell somthing u cant see!

Go into any paint trade centre, (dulux, leyland etc) & pick up a sandtex high build leaflet it's got pics of the different patterns on the leaflet you could show the customer this ;)
thanks for the info mate, we have patch's up flat render to over go,i wil not be applying it this time around, but i dont think its the hardest product to fit!
oasis said:
thanks for the info mate, we have patch's up flat render to over go,i wil not be applying it this time around, but i dont think its the hardest product to fit!

Is this the job you were on about the other night (rendering job)?
that it would be flyn just looking at all the possible options..
iv had some fantastic advice from people on here and have a few good contacts for future work. this forum can be worth its weight in gold.. well you know its not that heavy a website but im not am i.t man so have to ask Danny how much it weighs but is worth its weight.
High build is quite expensive but like what nisus said its a piece of piss to use but i have seen some bad looking jobs done in it.
cant think of any buildings near you to tell you with hi build on but if you think of a portacabin classroom the green coloured types they are usually coated in hi build
the swirls or "quartzputz" textures are slightly more forgiving so we tend to spec em for refurb work on stuff like old dash thats been rendered over etc. the sand is as the other one i was tellin you about. exactly
ok kool thanks for that, i think i should be the first member to pay for this forum since I'm getting so much info this last week! talk about picking brains! thanks for all your help again!
How long would u guess that the sealed tubs or parex would stay in date as iv been offered a load that's been in storage for maybe a long time but they don't have a date on tin?
plasterjfe said:
cant think of any buildings near you to tell you with hi build on but if you think of a portacabin classroom the green coloured types they are usually coated in hi build

Good call.
ok rang parex and well they say only 12 months in there 25kg plastic tins but he said cant see why it can last forever sealed up?
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