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right...... ive rung all the builders merchants in my area and they all say that all the builders/plasterers use building sand 4 rendering. which is sand, that has been dredged from the bristol channel.. could this sand be holmes sand, also it looks really clean. cheers
i asked them if it was washed and they said not sure......

the builders merchants near me in cardiff and surrounding area.... sell building sand or sharp sand and thats it, or kiln dried sand... also is there anywhere else i can buy sand from.

also if there is any1 out there from my area..... can u please shed some light on this subject for me. cheers
If it's dredged from the sea it must be washed otherwise it would contain to much salt, which would make it useless for anything. Some of the best sharp sand I've ever used for screeding has been sea sand.
grand wizard said:
right what colour is the building sand

umm....... its hard to discribe. its not yellow and its not, red like the sand they sell in wickes. its more like a grey/brown in colour.. it looks really clean to me. i'll buy a bag 2moro and take a photo of it, or i can send u some in the post lol.
All you need Skyzoo is a handfull of sand and whilst holding it in your hand put your hand in a bucket of water and see how much if any silt comes out of it, my guess is that there won't be any silt coming out if it is truly sea sand. I go to the pit and test any sand I'm thinking of using for the first time like this, tried some last week that by the time the silt had washed out into the water there wasn't hardly a thing left in my hand, this sand (mud) would have suffered from terrible shrinkage, the pit owner was really upset when I said his sand wasn't even fit to fill trenches.
essexandy said:
I go to the pit and test any sand I'm thinking of using for the first time like this,
Andy - where's the best place to get sand for internal/external rendering in the mid-Essex region? What's your opinion of the B&Q plastering sand?
just to let you know if it is dreged from the bristol channel yes it is washed sand also called holm sand can be slightly courser sometimes but is fine for rendering
Phil said:
essexandy said:
I go to the pit and test any sand I'm thinking of using for the first time like this,
Andy - where's the best place to get sand for internal/external rendering in the mid-Essex region? What's your opinion of the B&Q plastering sand?

I've only used it once and that was only for a test panel on site but it seemed good stuff, Mid-Essex Gravel do a nice drop of soft washed sand although it can benifit from a bit of sharp mixed in for the scratch coat.

right ive found some tp building sand....and there's is 3% of silt in it. but its very fine. do u think its to fine. mabye i could use's 4 building sand and 1 sharp sand.???
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