Sand Augered into Mixer-- Please help me find!

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At the 2008 Con Expo in Vegas, there was a plaster sand bin that had an auger in it that would move the sand into a cement mixer when needed. We have lost the product information but are now, 2 years later, really wanting to purchase one. All we think we remember is that the company's primary color was red and we believe their brand/logo was a hog or boar. Do you have any information that could help me track down either this company or another company with a similar product?
No... that would've sounded more like "hey, has anyone heard of the amazing Super Sander 2000?!" I don't care about the brand or the company... I just need to find this machine.
Paying 1-2 men to shovel sand on a prevailing wage job is more expensive in the long run than this machine.... a short long run actually. It would probably pay itself off after just one of our if only I can find it!! Please help!
try emailing the show organisers or see if they have upcoming shows and check their list of people displaying at the show. Or even check Bauma china thats a massive trade show
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