Same day or overnight?

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K rend ft Im using, have half a tub of k rend accelerator, just don't know weather to risk it, can not for the life of me be arsed to scratch back with lights. But at same time don't want to be going back next day haha.
Just go with what you are comfortable and confident doing.

If that means coming back the next day, then so be it.

Better than stepping outside your comfort zone and then (maybe) having to spend TWO extra days re-doing it from the beginning.

Maybe try doing a non-paying project in one day, to get comfortable with that, but keep the paying jobs on 2-day basis until you're comfortable with 1-day schedule?
Just go with what you are comfortable and confident doing.

If that means coming back the next day, then so be it.

Better than stepping outside your comfort zone and then (maybe) having to spend TWO extra days re-doing it from the beginning.

Maybe try doing a non-paying project in one day, to get comfortable with that, but keep the paying jobs on 2-day basis until you're comfortable with 1-day schedule?
I've done a few same days and next days, but same days have always been in middle of summer when temps are higher, next days have always been 5 and below, temps are kind of in between now so not sure weather to try and get same day with accelerator.
There’s so many factors at play with it.does the panel get the sun, what’s the substrate your spraying on, what material your using, is there a breeze etc. Down to the Renderer’s experience to make the call. Having said that I’ve been using scratch renders over 20 years now and still very occasionally call it wrong.
There’s so many factors at play with it.does the panel get the sun, what’s the substrate your spraying on, what material your using, is there a breeze etc. Down to the Renderer’s experience to make the call. Having said that I’ve been using scratch renders over 20 years now and still very occasionally call it wrong.

I don't know about wind, sun etc, I went to look at the job and that's the only time I've been there and it was pissing it down, it's only a single story extension, not spraying as its k rend ft so hand balling it on. Just trying to get an idea as to how many are still doing same day and next day.