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right boyos. quick question. ive just been to see a job where salts are bleeding through the tanking. its in a basement. thinking of chopping out areas and replacing with a cement mix etc.... with SBR. then reskimming wall. what do reackon. im i being a cowboy? wall is solid as and seems to be done right apart from these selected areas. didnt have my damp tester but seemed pretty dry although it did look a tad darker. really would like to do the minimum of work but still with no comebacks. peace............... 8)
you say you are going to skim it, is it skimmed already. regarding the salts, is there like a tide mark, or just patchy areas. how old is the building roughly.
im going to hack out bad areas (about a foot out in diametre). SBR. cement with Sbr. then skim next day. its only on one wall. think it was tanked about 15 years ago or so. will SBR hold back the salts? this wall is solid and to do a right job would take days which the builder doesnt seem to keen on.
go for it, but i would still use a salt retarder as well just to make sure. you might want to try and find out what caused the salts to come through in the first place. tbh i think you would get away with washing down with a damp sponge all over the wall and leave will see in the morning if they have returned. the salts are normally a passing problem, they appear, you treat, end of. or wash down the area with acid, if not already skimmed,(thats why i asked if it is skimmed before hand), might save chopping it off. skim the next day. or wash down in morning, skim in the afternoon. can't see the job being a problem. the acid use vinegar
me personally ..i would hack off back to brick...completly wash down as stated above.. leave a min 24 hrs, paint bricks with an sbr slurry ie cement and sbr to thickness of yought,then render using Cement mortel this has salt inhibitors already in it (its a bagged render for below dpc and tanking where salt inhibitors can be very expensive from the likes of sovergien chemicals etc) from lord and downing 30kg bag roughly 7 quid ish and goes 1 to 1.5 sq metre) leave this to set min 1 to 4 days....then skim.......ive found this gives very good results and saves on wasting money on salt inhibitirs
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