s&c dring time

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Private Member
How long should s&c be left for before it can be skimmed over? Ive got a patch to repair thats about 3ft x 8ft. Really small area so I want to get the job finished asap. Ive got the full living room to do in the same house. Was thinking render this day one then skim over day 2? or should I really leave it longer?
we did a load of cupboards for rubbish shoots in a high rise a couple of years ago with l/s/m did a few floors a day per person, 2 per floor. skimmed them the next day. all turned out fine mate
yeah , we had a farm house where the skimming shelled off, we got rep out and thats what he said, although i worked in ireland alot in the 90s and they left there render scratch coat 3or 4 weeks before they topped it, been doin the same ever since and never had any probs, it does shrink when curing although different sands determine how much it actually shrinks
if its washed sand it wont shrink as much as building sand, if its only a patch id just skim it next day
church said:
been skimming over next day for years , never had a problem

see i have alaways done this but i remember essex andy saying he alawys leaves his for a min of 7 days and my argument was these days there isnt the time on the job to do that !
richardbrown said:
church said:
been skimming over next day for years , never had a problem

see i have alaways done this but i remember essex andy saying he alawys leaves his for a min of 7 days and my argument was these days there isnt the time on the job to do that !

where is andy lately
he's still here ....theres a few lads who dont post as much anymore ???......................btw has anyone skimmed s/c the same day ? what happened?
flynnys not on much lately, and oasis. i did it once spunky. as i was giving it the last trowel a hooded figure walked into the room and told me it was my time to pass over to the after life. and gave me some money for the crossing.
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