rush rush rush!

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New Member
started this job the other week .was a extention 2 skim out plus a few celings in the house...
gave a price .. they said will be all board and skrim when i get 2 it..

got there monday not a board in windows in build..

had no time 2 mess around so sod it i dabed all the walls out ...made there lab start boarding...

but beads round the revels even dow there was no windows..

skimed it out backd all the EXTRA patchs...

window men came end off week .. 3" gap round head off all windows...

wot can u do ona price they wernt ready...

nice bead on the windows now
bein an ex window fitter i know only too well the problems associated, and now a plasterer the same applies...
wot we used to have to do in the fitting game (assuming late manufacture etc) was nip down the site, 4 bits of 3x2 nailed together and wedged tightly in the hole covered with plastic sheet...keeps the wind of the plaster and gives the plasterers an edge to work to...
that way if we fixed our temporary frame off in the wrong place and had to cut it back when the windows were ready and in the process damaged the reveal we got the repair bill...after all, we were late in the first place...similarly with window sizes, if it dont fit its our problem...
sites are notorious for not bein ready, big or small...u have 2 choices...1.. adopt a 'can do' attitude, do what you did, and get the job done anyway you can...or 2...politely walk away and ask em to ring you when theyre ready..

tell you what though mate, id put an invoice/bill in for the extra work e.g. d+d patches polite, make it a good quote and let em knock you down a bit...that way they might pay up cos they think they got a good deal (even though there was no prior agreement in place for the work) never know, they might just give you the full price quoted for the extras...
think of youre kids when it comes to money mate just charge the fooker ;)
no such thing as 'friends' in business mate...only 'associates' and 'colleagues'...harsh but true...
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