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New Member
can anyone help to settle a argument on roughcast i was told to mix it 3buckets chippings 2buckets sand 1bucket cement 1bucket lime the only thing with this mix is it seems to bind together to much makeing it clumpy looking any tips welcome the customer wants a not to heavy looking finish
Depending on what you are dashing over , i use a 10-2-2 mix poured into a plasterers bath add 3 builders size buckets of wet stone add 1 bucket of water mix through with a paddle mixer.
i use a belle maxi and 10 sand ,2 cement and 2 lime fits the 90lt drum , if you have bigger mixer or indeed two mixers on the go you can put the stone in the mixer,it all depends on your on method really , i prefur to pour it into a bath, plus most of the time im only using one mixer.
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