Roll and stroll.

Best place to order value for money wise

It's the best time of year for bulk ordering, ring the usual suppliers and give them a list to price then tell them your going to ring around. For example...
"Hello R&J"
"Hello can have a price on 2 box skim beads, box scrim, box PVA, box roll and stroll"
"That'll be £185.00"
"Thank you im going to ring around"
.."hello wack warehouse"
"Hi I've had a price on some materials and was wondering if you can improve on that price"
" I'll see what I can do" tap tap tap " yes we can do for £155.
"Can you deliver tomorrow and can I pay you next month?"
"Of course"
"Any freebies with that?"
It's the best time of year for bulk ordering, ring the usual suppliers and give them a list to price then tell them your going to ring around. For example...
"Hello R&J"
"Hello can have a price on 2 box skim beads, box scrim, box PVA, box roll and stroll"
"That'll be £185.00"
"Thank you im going to ring around"
.."hello wack warehouse"
"Hi I've had a price on some materials and was wondering if you can improve on that price"
" I'll see what I can do" tap tap tap " yes we can do for £155.
"Can you deliver tomorrow and can I pay you next month?"
"Of course"
"Any freebies with that?"
Man after my own heart. Howdens are best for freebies
Why ye a ugly f**k*r lol

Im no oil painting mate but hate messy spreads.

Have a weird thing too if some cold wet gear gets on my hand while working I cringe like f**k and become enraged.

If it goes on my trowel handle too I have the same reaction as being slapped on the head but not seeing it coming
Im no oil painting mate but hate messy spreads.

Have a weird thing too if some cold wet gear gets on my hand while working I cringe like f**k and become enraged.

If it goes on my trowel handle too I have the same reaction as being slapped on the head but not seeing it coming
Never get use to it on hands .
Most of our work is over new floors so easy to scrape up
If your slow you shouldn’t be dropping anything lol and bad practice enit? U a site monkey John ?
No but mostly new builds or extensions . Alot of time mosts extensions require rest of property redoing as builders have a way of talking client in to it. Pains me sheeting up and taking me shoes of to go for a piss etc.
No but mostly new builds or extensions . Alot of time mosts extensions require rest of property redoing as builders have a way of talking client in to it. Pains me sheeting up and taking me shoes of to go for a piss etc.
