Private Member
Changing over from a starwheel setup to gravity fed hopper hasn't exactly been smooth. Every conceivable thing that could have gone wrong has indeed gone wrong. Has anyone got any tips on hassle free operation?(will be visiting les no doubt bless him he is the guru but the sodding machine came with a manual in GERMAN). Two sprays and two days of hell. Sheer incompetence and unfamiliarity has almost ruined having new kit really. Got to be aint no super machine and is just as finicky as they all are. We've bridged the hopper, blocked the hoses, overheated the motor, run it in single phase when needed 3!, got it absolutely stinking and have looked like complete tools fresh from day one of machine plastering school. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.
ps, it don't like krend with a d52.5 silver r&s on it at all.
initial impressions of the xl.....a step backwards from a propper render machine with a starwheel
ps, it don't like krend with a d52.5 silver r&s on it at all.
initial impressions of the xl.....a step backwards from a propper render machine with a starwheel