ritmo xl/monojet characteristics?

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Changing over from a starwheel setup to gravity fed hopper hasn't exactly been smooth. Every conceivable thing that could have gone wrong has indeed gone wrong. Has anyone got any tips on hassle free operation?(will be visiting les no doubt bless him he is the guru but the sodding machine came with a manual in GERMAN). Two sprays and two days of hell. Sheer incompetence and unfamiliarity has almost ruined having new kit really. Got to be honest......it aint no super machine and is just as finicky as they all are. We've bridged the hopper, blocked the hoses, overheated the motor, run it in single phase when needed 3!, got it absolutely stinking and have looked like complete tools fresh from day one of machine plastering school. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

ps, it don't like krend with a d52.5 silver r&s on it at all.

initial impressions of the xl.....a step backwards from a propper render machine with a starwheel
Haven't given her a chance yet.......I'm sorry Rita you are the bestest......it's us not you lol :)
dear mr goody i did offer you training on said XL but noooooooooooo you didnt want any so once again i will offer you training again... P.S its only cos i want to play with it
remember the conversation in germany we had and agreed that none of use would buy one as we would use goodys as the Guinea pig ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Stick with it Goody and it'll be like clockwork soon, the water switch will get you mate. Think about it, you changed everything at the same time even r&s.
guinea pigs indeed fellas........or bold pioneers on the cutting edge of render exploration lol. Good chat with les today. He's only gone and knocked up to order the ritmo's first ever custom test pipe just for us!!

just to add to the hell that is machine plastering though.....we setup most this morning getting everything masked ready for the ritmo's first acrylic spray. Turned it on and realised that the r&s on it(d52.5) is way too powerful so packed up and slavaged an afternoons work on another job.

Are we put off....are we 'ell.....only more determined to succeed and take things forward.

yeah the water switch....must remember that.....on the first day we mistakenly left the internal switch in single phase mode trying to pump krend 20m and up 7m all standing around thinking 'well its not very powerful is it??!! numptys ::)
goody said:
guinea pigs indeed fellas........or bold pioneers on the cutting edge of render exploration lol. Good chat with les today. He's only gone and knocked up to order the ritmo's first ever custom test pipe just for us!!

just to add to the hell that is machine plastering though.....we setup most this morning getting everything masked ready for the ritmo's first acrylic spray. Turned it on and realised that the r&s on it(d52.5) is way too powerful so packed up and slavaged an afternoons work on another job.

Are we put off....are we 'ell.....only more determined to succeed and take things forward.

yeah the water switch....must remember that.....on the first day we mistakenly left the internal switch in single phase mode trying to pump krend 20m and up 7m all standing around thinking 'well its not very powerful is it??!! numptys ::)
Im glad it wasnt just me having a crap day ;D ;D
It just turns at a constant speed dropping powder into the mixing chamber and when you come to near the end of your spray turn the wheel off and empty the chamber and pipes and everything in the hopper remains dry for another day
les swears by the monojet/gravity fed hopper setup.....don't know enough about my machine yet so will shut up now
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