Ridiculous quote

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I went alooked at a job a couple of weeks ago plastering a new extension and various areas inside the house and putting up some metal partitions. I worked out that the work would take myself and the fella I work with about a week and a half maybe two weeks. The materials were going to cost £1300. I quoted £3900. Spoke to the customer yesterday to see what was happening with it, I did not get it. I asked what other quotes they had recieved out of intererst, one was £200 less than mine and one was £500 more. But the best bit is the quote that had got the work was for............... £1700. What the f**k. So that leaves them £400 pound after materials!
There is a lot of that about mate , i have also been under cut recently 3 times buy ridiculous amounts of money , can only think that they must be desperate which is fair enough , but they are not looking at the long term damage there prices are doing for the trade because its a lot easier to cut the rates than it is to put them up.
Had this a few times lately. how stupid are people getting. Despite all the rogue trader programmes and dodgy Tradesman knockin about people still take a risk and go with the rock bottom price and with a big stupid grin on they're face they think they're gonna get a good job. f**k em!!!
Hello Mate
This is what I think is going on with a lot of quotes like this, these are guys who are working on site etc stealing the gear and doing the work on the side so they can undercut all of us
This is the thing at the moment if you need work done on your house this is the best time to get it done as every one is competing to get the smallest of jobs.
I priced a big 4 bedroom house about month back, d+d and skim and put a price in of £10,300 with the materials comming in at £2,200 which leaves me with £8,100 the £100 for maybe a couple of things I might of missed. Does this seem a fair price to you lads for what is a pretty large house.
heafy said:
I priced a big 4 bedroom house about month back, d+d and skim and put a price in of £10,300 with the materials comming in at £2,200 which leaves me with £8,100 the £100 for maybe a couple of things I might of missed. Does this seem a fair price to you lads for what is a pretty large house.

I'm not saying your price isn't fair Heafy but I know for a fact that I wouldn't get any of the houses that I'm pricing at the moment at that sort of price.
i lad i sometimes help out at weekends priced a 4 bed detatched before xmas, we were both going to be on the job and it was labour only. he went in at 10k. f**k**g idiot. as soon as he told me that i just said you can forget about that job mate. youve lost it.
I'm still waitin for a reply, but I'm not talkin any 4 bed house, it's got 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a massive living room, quite a big dining room, huge kitchen and garage for 3 cars which is getting double boarded in fireline and the wall joining the house in garage drylined and plugged in 55mm thermal check boards.
Bod said:
Still seems high from material content to labour ratio have you priced it on m2 or time?
I based me quote on time for 2 plasterers and a labourer which equtes to about a months work for the three of us. The materials should have about another £500-£600 on top but the fella at the builders merchant gave us them at nearly cost what they pay cos he's a good mate of ours.
That must be a huge extension as we are doing 3 and 4 bed town houses at the mo and material cost have been roughly £1000 a house and thats with boarding and 15mm board between party walls.
Last sunday i went to look at a job it was just a bedroom quite a size artex ceiling a few chases to fill and all to be pva'd and skimed quoted him £325 thought it was reasonable he phoned me 2 days later saying he has got some one else to do it for £100 the thing was we did his hall stairs and landing and when i went to see the job noticed he has had his livingroom done as well, which was really tidy and he told me the same bloke who is doing the bedroom was the bloke who did the living room so he will get a decent job done but why work for these prices ???
£100 :o Maybe he's an old codger that just plods through it and doesn't care how long it takes. Can't compete with prices like that though!
nelly said:
£1300 sounds a lot for gear on an extension mate, how big is it?

The actual extension itself is side and rear. so there is an extra 6 rooms on the house in total. These all needed to be insulated, boarded, dot and dabbed and skimmed. There was also a girder in each of these which needed boxing in. Then there was work in the othewr room of the house building meatal partitions then board and skim then there was 4 ceilings to re-board and skim. There was also a skip to pay for.
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