Review of venetian marble plastering at goldtrowel

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Well-Known Member
Review for gold trowel Venetian

I arrived Monday and stayed at Maybrand fisheries, I was welcomed by the owner who showed me my room, at 25 a night well worth the money and if you like fishing some really nice lakes but get there early coz it does get busy. It’s within walking distance to Goldtrowel if you’re comfy walking 1.3 miles, so I jumped in my van. I arrived 30 minutes late coz I had travelled four hours that morning and was greeted with friendly banter. The facilities where not what I expected, I had visions of a hut and a couple of bays where we would have been herded into like sheep how wrong was I. I was there to do a 2 week Venetian plastering course something I had wanted to get into for around 15 years. We spoke about the materials for a few minutes then straight into it preparing a room each for the Venetian plaster. We were also preparing samples on sheets of new MDF with different types of Venetian, now these were not tiny they were a decent size and brand-new which told me straight away these guys are not being tight with the materials which over the rest of the course proved to be the case.
I had been over to the plastering section where around 15 people where training to plaster and again a friendly reception from other trainers who were more than happy to explain the course. By the end of the day we had prepared 5 sample boards with both sides prepared giving me 10 samples I would leave with that week. The lads on the course were a good bunch of lads and out of the 6 lads there, 4 were members of the plasterers forum all who were plasterers adding a string to their bow. Some had previously trained at Goldtrowel and gone on to build a career in the plastering industry.
Then there was the instructor Andy who was so passionate about plastering and passing his knowledge on, believe me this guy knows his beans. I felt straightaway looking round the place he could be squeezing more money and save more if he stretched the gear but felt it wasn’t about the money. The day ended and the only thing missing was a group hug lol.
I left that first day thinking wow this stuff looks amazing, I could see it in a lot of places, it could open another world to what I could be providing as a plasterer or maybe give up the plastering and stick to Venetian.
In all the years I had been plastering I couldn’t help think of jobs that were crying out for something like this on its walls or ceilings. Three other guys were staying at the Maybrand so we got together that night and spoke about our first day and every one was excited about the product and had jobs virtually lined up for when they got home.
Day 2 started with second coating our walls and second coating our samples then preparing more samples of different styles so in all by day two we all had 16 samples and the process was starting to become clearer. Andy had told us from day one, don’t try to take it all in because it will start to become clearer as the days go by and he was right, he was very good at explaining the materials and processes also answering questions that were asked and there were plenty of them, to which he had all the answers. Andy had told us from day one you wont leave this course without knowing and taking in what was said and if you don’t, stay till you get it for free also if your not sure on a job or need help I am only a phone call away, which proved right on day two when two lads he had trained turned up with a problem matching a colour for a client. These lads stayed for most of the day and spoke with us answering questions about finding work and what they’ve done since leaving the course, showing us pictures of previous work and what they had lined up for the future which filled us all with confidence of securing work. The day ended the same, no group hug but I can see it coming lol.

Day three started the same as the previous day, plenty of enthusiasm but not as much as Andy, I thought he was gonna burst lol. We started applying a classic to the walls in our rooms which I had chosen a dark grey. We all had different colours but I did like mine the most also the pink was nice and one lads loved it coz it matched his pink T-shirt hmmmmmmmmm, also the purple was nice but I suppose it’s a personal preference. Throughout the day we also applied a classic in different colours to our samples. The days are very relaxed and everyone is having the crack and the singing and jokes are starting to come out, everyone is starting to relax and gain more confidence with what we are doing. I got the chance at dinner to visit the plastering section and speak to a few of the lads training, some were doing a 6 week course, 1 week and also a young lad who was doing it at weekends coz he worked in the week. The lads came from different walks of life, a teacher with a house he needed doing up, an electrician, a lad who was labouring, whose boss had put him through it. Before you know it the days gone it has flew but on reflection we have learnt so much in a small time.

Day four I arrived early full of beans we are applying our final coats so were gonna see some good effects and I wasn’t disappointed, neither was anyone else. Andy’s full of excitement coz he knows what’s coming he is very passionate about the product and the course. We applied 3 more coats then burnished them and the full effects of the marble are showing, all I can say is WOW. I’ve been plastering over 20 years but never seen Venetian plastering in the flesh or so I thought, it’s everywhere its like when you buy a new car or van you start to notice them all over in exactly the same colour. I have seen plenty of pictures of Venetian plaster but they don’t give you the full effect like the feel and the coldness on your hands and the smoothness when you run your hands over it, you can’t help yourself it’s instinctive. Everyone’s relaxed and the singing has started to every single song that came on the radio and at one point we were listening to classical music but it was quite hard to dance to. Goldtrowel is an excellent training facility with some really passionate staff determined nobody is leaving without all the info they need, also like some plastering courses they don’t fill peoples heads with the promise of instant wealth. They also do a 2 year course for 14-16 year old kids who benefit from more practical studies rather than conventional class room learning but that’s not to say they don’t go in a classroom.
There is a separate place for written work but this is not boring maths like how many apples would you have left if Tom and Dave took a certain amount, they are learning how to price a job and measure up for a job which as young kids, if it involves money and making it they are more interested. The thing that crossed my mind was im gonna be competing for work against a sixteen year old…… but then thought naaaaa I live miles away lol. A young lady popped into the Venetian section today to see what its about she is an interior designer who has just had a baby, she had decided she wants to combine plastering with what she does and looking at the ceiling she had skimmed after a week of a 3 week course she is well on her way.
All the people I’ve spoken to have come from all different walks of life and different ages all with the same idea of wanting to plaster. The day ends with us all getting our walls ready for a wax and polish which is gonna bring the walls to life.

Day five starts the same as the previous but the jokes are getting worse and we all have plenty of samples to wax and polish up, also the walls in our bays so it’s straight onto it and this is where it all comes to life. So many samples and different styles to choose from, each one getting better and better as we polish them, this stuff is magnificent as one of the jocks on the course described it. We’ve got another week so no pressure to finish off so all in all a very relaxing day.

Well the weekends here so a bit of chilling and fishing, happy days.

Day six started pretty much the same as the previous week but we are joined by another eager participant who once he had seen what we had produced the previous week was in ore of what he was going to achieve. More questions and answers to questions we had spinning in our heads which were all answered, we are getting more confident with the process.
I always take time to go and see the other courses and chat to the new recruits who have all been thrown in at the deep end, no messing about they are getting through so much which you wouldn’t get the chance to do in the real world. That night I’m invited round to the other lads who are making a traditional meal of mince and tatty (potatoes to me and you) and that review is on its way J.

Today we started using all new colours, ones that we hadn’t used the previous week and the results are excellent, the process is getting easier and the confidence is flowing. Another 16 samples are getting prepped and its starting to sink in that the colours and techniques are endless even mistakes are giving it a style of there own.

The week flew by just like the previous week and at the end of it I’ve made some really good friends, added a string to my bow or maybe a new career and left with enough samples to show potential clients. I can’t thank Andy enough for all his help in the last two weeks and I would like to thank the rest of the staff for making me and everyone else feel welcome. I’ve met a few lads off the forum who I would consider friends now rather than cyber friends and Mike the son of the owner of maybrand fisheries who helped me out with my van and cracked me up with his dry humour. My opinion of plastering courses has really changed especially Goldtrowel who’s training is second to none, if your looking to get into the Game this is definitely the starting point.


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