Reputation power

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I don't think Danny has finished yet , but if it green its positive and red is negative reputation i think
ah crap!!

if you look on the stats page you can see the figures

Its using the Karma smite module but with a twist!

Danny said:
I prefer it the way it is now a little more pleasing on the old eyes than the old version!


danny do you think it would be a good idea to have a section were you can ask questions and only get straight answers with no piss taking, just help and have all the banter on the rest of the forum? av seen a few newbis come on ask sumthin, get the shi't ripped out of them and never post again.

what do you reckon mate?

underneath your avatar you will see an image of a blue heart click it and scroll to the top of the page and you will see a box that says agree or disagree click what ever and your are done.

I have not managed to get the option box to go next to the post you click on yet but will work on that... sooner or later


every 100 thanks you will get a new bar...
yeah its the forum all teh banter is meant to go in the private and off topic bits.... however it just dont happen!

having said that kirk I spent nearly an hour this morning deleting your pointless posting... an hour I will never get back!

The beginners section maybe of interest to you that is slowing having all non plastering juice removed and left with only great answers!


@steve cov you wont see it under your own name.....

@ kirt remember there is always more than one way to do something! so lots of replies will in the end get you a great answer!
steve cov said:
kirk. people get the answer in the end. but it comes with banter. thats how it is mate.

i know but i still think it would be good, i love to help people and never give banter unless someone gives it me, trust me mate av read some polls and not everyone gets an answer.
the thing is kirk. alot of people come on here. dont search the old posts and ask questions that have come up again and again and again. if they took the time to look first it would save alot of hassle. if i answer the question 'which mixing drill should i buy?' one more time i'm gonna go F*****g mental!
steve cov said:
the thing is kirk. alot of people come on here. dont search the old posts and ask questions that have come up again and again and again. if they took the time to look first it would save alot of hassle. if i answer the question 'which mixing drill should i buy?' one more time i'm gonna go (french word)in mental!

fair play steve you have got a point, but dont it get on yer nerves when you are having a discussion or asking a questoin and some little mupit pipes up just to take the pis and has nothing to do with the subject. or is it just me being a moanin tw@t?
no it can be annoying. but its just part of the forum mate. if people want our advice for free, they have to take a little banter. nothings meant by it.
Not to sure the reputation power is working right Danny ??? could be me tho but i cant see anything to click on .
So your saying you cant see this

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its under the avatar (you wont see it under your own name) next to the email sign

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