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Id be more concerened about calculating the price of the scaffolding... s/c cost nothing mate.
dont even think about doing it of ladders!!!
scaffolding i can price! just want to know how much sand and cement to order for 180m2 of brickwork! cheers tho!
225+75=300mm / 1000 = 0.3m
0.3x0.01(10mm joint) = 0.003 m2
0.003 x 0.02(20mm deep) = 0.00006m3
per brick

0.225x0.075=0.016875m2 (area of brick)
1/0.016875=59.26(bricks per metre)


still with me?
thats about a ton bag of sand at about 30 quid from the merchants or 20 quid loose on the back of a tipper..

@ 4:1 thats 250kg of opc which is ten bags at about 2.50=25 quid..

then 2x mortar rakes @ about a fiver = a tenner..
make it 4 to be on the safe side (another tenner)
then 2 x alitowers + 2 6m youngman boards is about 120 quid for a week (all depends on where you get it from)

all depends on how quick you are now and how many blokes..
i reckon i could rake out and point 15 metres a day.. not the worlds biggest fan though..

btw i was bored ;D
cheers segs!

scaffold ain't an issue, mate of mine will do whole house for £260 for 3 weeks, the customer wants weather pointing so i'm giving meself plenty of time, 2 of us on it. it just looks a bit more professional if you get the right quantities of mats on the job from the start don't you think?
yeh just get a ton bag dropped on site mate with the opc, weather pointings easy enuff, just get it in, let it go right off and cut it in at the top sloping down the the face at the bottom
you come across a firm called 'gun point contracts'?
spotted the van and laffed my head off, ran into the lads in the pub...
they just rake it all out with the mortar rake blades for the 4" grinder then they got this mortar pump with a gun on the end.. do a house in a day and a half..
might be worth seing if you can hire one o them machines..
are them mortar poinitng guns anygood you know the ones that look like a mastic gun much quick than pointing by hand?
i had a bash once napper, you mean them ones like a fat mastic gun?
much of a muchness really, you have to put it in piss wet and i reckon theyre for people that cant use a couple of trowels or a trowel and board..
best way i find is knock up thick with plenty plasticiser and let the muck do the work..
o i i forgot plasticiser on that last post!!
Morter guns are cack, pointing tray and and long half inch finger trowel is the way and remember if the brickwork ia laid in lime morter so should the pointing dont use sand and cement or you are about to ruin the brickwork.
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