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New Member
got a rendering job to do,its a timber frame extension-ply,tyvec,battons then building paper and eml.The builder has already fixed eml.would have preferred to see gonna 3 coat it anyway does this sound ok?
Done one of theses a couple of months back was a bit sceptical about it myself :-/ again it had expamet instead of riblath but it turned out great no probs what so ever we put fibres in the scratch then just topped it, no need for 3 coats.
Renderboard, meshed and a thin coat system miles better in my opinion, Metal,Building paper, 3 coats of sand and cement will work but i would have used the flexible thin coat acyrilic.
YES that is the right way of rendering on eml first coat is called you will love this :

(PRICK IN IT UP) that is to take the spring out of the eml and needs to cure; then scratch coat and bead up then finish rubbed up dashed rough cast etc:

proper 3 coat render work
if he's prepped it mate thats half the battle! if it goes tits up fire it straight back at him ......enjoy ;)
rib lathe was the answer to the old chessnut split timber lathe it is no differant than your eml exept cost, then plasterboard became poppular oh sorry lathe board rib lathe i just an angle bead but in a sheet form how ofter do you use it! >:( :-? ;)?
isnt riblathe designed to stand away from wall a bit to allow for movement? if it's battoned i doubt it'd make a difference youll still get movement between the battons ...aslong as noone kicks a ball at it ...............
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