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a friend of mine has recently had his house (flat) rendered, by someone i recomended, and this guy is a shite hot plaster and it has all blown. i really wanted to do external work but this has put me off for life. if this happened to me i think i would jack all in.

does this happen alot when doing external work. cheers
does this happen alot when doing external work. cheers  [/quote]
No it shouldnt do, whats blown, the topcoat from the scrach, or all of it from the wall? If the top coats blown and the scratch is ok the top coat might be a stronger mix than the backing, I dont like rendering on smooth concrete block with flush joints, i usually treat it first, Rendaid or similar. Did a job years ago and the whole lot blew off and what is was they had treated the brick work with waterproof sealer,and not said anything. ::)
this job was on brick aswell, also what is wrong with rendering over bricks that have been treated with water profer
i know what you mean mate ill only do external work on new builds for myself and try to go buy the book you can get all sorts of probs and i dont want to deal with paying for materials twice and hacking off etc
There was'nt any key cos it was sealed and stopped the absorbsion no suction or nowt even the joints were flush pointed. and the mortar didnt stick to them either. But this was about 17 years dont make mistakes you dont make f'#k all, you lives and learns eh :)
Grind the cross joints about 15mm and slurry the wall if its really bad, or hp12 key coat PPPPPP,
you could use sbr slurry or give it a coat of sbr slurry and tryolean some of the same mix into the slurry whilst its tacky you can then leave this a while before you scratch it if you need to
get on it mate i just make it up as i go along :D ...............and hope it doesnt fall off ;D
i make it up as i go along as well, its the best way. i really want to do rendering, i just dont want to hack it all off and do it again :o i drink enough already, if that happened i would be drinking 24/7
can u put a scratch coat on sbr even if has dried, also when flat rendering what sort of thinkness are u trying to acheive per coat. cheers but
Do you mean put scratch lines in the sbr stipple coat? personally i wouldnt, id get the background as sound and as dust free as i could, and roll on sbr slurry mix and stipple it a good key, It depends usually i use 1/2" stop beads in stainless with belcast bead and work to them, Or If im using OCR i use 10mm beads.
if youre laying youre scratch coat into a slurrry you want it to be tacky like pva or if you lay it into a tyrolean stipple coat youre best laying it on when it's gone off
pft do you need the acrylic primer when using hp12 ?
Ill be honest mate ive not used it with hp. I only really do new stuff so its only usually used on smooth concrete block or similar.
when applying final coat of render is it best to feather it out as you go along, also what do you do with the s&c that comes off the feather edge. plus how long after that do you sponge it and how long after that do you use poly float.

do you use sharp sand or building sand for rendering
same here mate its advised to use it as a key for poly coats but i know lads who've used sbr and its been sound when weve used the acrylic r7 its gone pear shaped
we did 2 identical jobs one was r7 hpx with scrim cloth .....sound
the other was the same but with hp12 over existing s/c tyrolean and we had all sorts of probs cracking ............coming off in sheets ........rendering ay ;D
p.s the first house was for the fearless leader ;)
I use a 3"wide derby or i section rule if im spraying.Any surplus use it to fill slacks to get it straight and flat.General rule of thumb if its not sticking to your float its ok to rub up then sponge when rubbed up. I cant really give times because it varies with the sun,wind ect. I use washed render sand for plain face. 4+1 with cup of waterproofer each mix for scratch,6+1 with 1/2 cup of feb for topping.

here are some pics of rendering just wondering if someone explain how to achive the thing above the window, not sure what its called. cheers
its a belcast bead mate it will be thicker than your render coat so you can angle the 2 edges of the bead above the window, Personally i square the windows off. Some plasterers will use a drip bead above the window
do you make the angle with a trowel, also do u do it as soon as u apply s&c or do wait. got any good tips when achiving this. cheers
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