rendering the back of a dashed house

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Private Member
Hey all,

I have to price up a job for a customer who lives in large semi that is currently dashed. The front and side are sound but the back of the property is blown, she hates the dashing and wants the back hacked off and smooth render.

The neighbours house is dashed also so i need to disc cut down the angle and the divide between propertys but some how try and do a good job of rendering to the dashing without it looking shite.
you know what most dashed quoins are like, all over the place.

Any ideas ??
on youre second coat keep the edge wet and grind it in to the existing plaster ;)
i love butt grinding get them face down so they cant breat..............anyway mate whats a dashed quoin?..also is the neighbours the same colour?
the quoin is the corner of the building so no bead just rendered freehand then pebbledashed so its going to be hard to disc cut and then make it look tidy with smooth render.

neighbours same colour but that doesnt really matter as I have to hack off her side cause its failing bad.

shame she wont have it all floated mate ::)........cant you just accidentally take a bit off the side ?........oh well
ive started know ;D
on a serious note me old bum boy if the worse comes to the worse theyll be a bit of patching to the dash i suppose
you could hack off upto 10 or so inches from the quion and either stop bead or batten the edge to work into mate
Only thing i can think of is render a castle quoin on the external corner but it may look a bit much and on abbuting the neighbours just screw a plumb batten to the wall and grind to that shoud be OK If not put a dummy down pipe down it to hide the join.
Stone Effect said:
Try talking them into stone effect render much nicer that a floated wall

Have you been on the bottle stone ??? lol

Lucius, spunkybum I am not familiar with the term "grind" without sounding thick what do you mean ???

i was joking when i said it mate ....grindings either grinding it on tight or grinding it into the existing like patching
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