rendering over exsisting coating

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just wondering weather you can render over, exsisting wall coating like wetdash and pebble dash, if it hasn't been painted. cheers
i daresay you could, long as it was in another part of the country and they aint got your number...
my experience of render is either straight onto brick/block or hack off first then re do it...odd bit of bodging such as patching tyrolean using nothing but a wet mix and a stiff scrubbing brush as a flicker tool...
dunno if any of these new products would do the job, probably...but with sand and cement i'd really wanna be hacking off or walking away from the job if its any size, if it doesnt work its gonna be a helluva dent to your pocket, pride and reputation..
if you get a trowel and scrape away at some dry dashing it comes off dead easy...i'd expect the render to blow all over the place..
could be wrong though...
less chance of it going wrong, if u hack it all off and start again (touch wood). cheers segs

although on gold trowel dvd the guy puts one coat of S&C on roughcast or (wet dash), and then pebble dashes it.

i expect people only wanting external rendering done when the existing rendering is fecked, not because they dont like the look of it or the colour.
prolly got a better chance with roughcast cos the aggregate is part of the mix so to speak...should form a half decent key too depending on the additive used first time round...
to be honest, next time i get a large external rendering job im gonna push like f'ck for a more modern alternative, see if i can hire a machine and follow the recomendations to the letter, mainly cos i like the look of the finishes, but also cos in my mind s+c external is gonna be a thing of the past very very soon and i think i should make some inroads at the earliest opportunity...
another reason is that if youve ever tried rendering a gable end/full house using nothing but a cement mixer, scaffolding and a 3 man gang youd appreciate anything that gets the mix 5 metres in the air for you, even better if it mixes it for you...consistently...
when i first clapped eyes on k-rend or whatever it was in leeds about 4-5 years ago i couldnt believe what i was seeing....
1 machine, 3 lads and they spent most of the day in the van reading the sport!...still, they must have finished about a hundred square that day and it looked like it should have taken weeks!! lines in it, quions/soldiers/keystones or whatever round every opening...its gotta be the future...
i'll give it 5 maybe 7 years and the new lads wont believe we actually used to mix our gear in things called 'cement mixers', handball it up 2 ladders using something called a 'hod' or a bucket and apply it using something called a 'hawk' and a 14" trowel...
ive gone off topic again havent i... :-[
sorry to carry on with it but ive just had the inevitable lightbulb/smelt the coffee moment...
trends/products/methods come and go, improving all the time...if i was a betting man i'd put money on the notion that the money will soon dissappear from projection plastering as machines get cheaper and the knowledge gets more widespread...
theres still money to be made domestic skimming, rendering even, but not on site...unless your a 23 year old fitness freak...
jetman reckons its around 6 quid a square metre, external on site, labour only...
youll get 35 quid a metre supply, rendering external on domestic...
not sure of the materials costs but if you were to offer the customer a choice between flat render and this new fangled (proven, check out any large newbuild site) for the same money.....
i get the feeling (only a feeling, ive no figures to back it with) that you could hack an entire house off and recoat with krend (or whatever) for the same money as straight rendering without hacking off and only about 1/3rd the effort...
2 reasons why this isnt happening already...
1) im full of shite
2) no ones prepared to take the risk and target the right customers as a 'specialist'..

id be interested to find out the costs involved on an example of say, end terraced, shitty old render, hack off and recoat using a projection machine inc materials...say 85m2...
so, 1 x 8yard skip 150 quid + 2 x ali towers+1 youngman for 3 days max 200 quid so 350 to start off
though i do get the feeling it'd be a lot easier to own your own set of towers etc than have to clean a hire set every time..
with the housing market like it is, people with more money are gonna be buying cheaper property with a view to improvement and 'kerb appeal' can be a huge bonus when getting it valued...
You can render over exsisting coat ,iv done it in the past few times . I think if its not painted it should be ok you would need to slurry coat first then scratch coat . You are always going to be taken a slight chance of something going wrong but let the client be aware of this and if ther willing then go for it ;)
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