Rendering my garage

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New Member
Hi all, i've decided to render my garage, it has an existing painted pebble dash finish. I hired a breaker today and what a nightmare! The stuff just does not want to come off at all. Its very dry so no obvious dampness or any other damage, so would it be easier to just render over the existing render with a thick scratch then second coat it? The reason i ask also is that the one wall has already been braced and i just dont want to shake the whole thing down with the bloody breaker on it all day.Please help :'(
the thing is its it aint gonna it aint gonna stick!
you could fix some eml sheet over it then scratch it, should stay on then..have to be a pretty thin scratch though..or you could use quickcem...but get a move on cos it goes off like nothin on earth
the eml route is the is route i would go, coating the paintwork with an sbr and cement slurry first, fixing the eml with screws , plug and washers or with nails from a gas pasloe,render in three coats no thicker than 12mm per coat , the first just covering the wire the second sratch coat two days later ruling and filling in and the same for the third finishing with float and a clean sponge, mix wise 5-1 washed sharp sand to cement with an integral waterproofer followed by a 6-1 mixed soft and sharp again with waterproofer and the top coat 7-1-1 soft washed sand with one part being sharp sand also using lime to the same ammount as the cement, wet in 2nd and 3rd coat before applying making sure the water is not running on the wall,
P.S in the top coat add a 1/4 of the recconmended amount of waterproofer   or a small amount of plastersizer if needed ,never over mix render or use in thick coats 10-12mm max per coat and render away from sunlight if poss , october is a good month to render ;)
bloody hell! churchy the 'heston bloomenthal' of rendering... 8-)
whats with the 1/4 waterproofer in the top coat mate, not being to much of a conosseur ive always stuck it in both coats (yeh i know they say only wack it in the scratch)..
also mate u got any ideas on wot to do with an archway bout 1m wide, 500 radius...doorway size...bricks canted both sides and they want it to match the brickwork? would it be easier to bead it or freehand it? im just thinking that gettin the beads bang on (all 4 sets) is gonna be evil....
bloody hell! churchy the 'heston bloomenthal' of rendering... 8-)
whats with the 1/4 waterproofer in the top coat mate, not being to much of a conosseur ive always stuck it in both coats (yeh i know they say only wack it in the scratch)..
also mate u got any ideas on wot to do with an archway bout 1m wide, 500 radius...doorway size...bricks canted both sides and they want it to match the brickwork? would it be easier to bead it or freehand it? im just thinking that gettin the beads bang on (all 4 sets) is gonna be evil....

lol ;D the idea is to cut the amount down is just to help the mix plastersize without over waterproofing it i prefer it to standard mortar plastersizers, im not quite sure what you mean about the arch i would use hardboard for the arch put a coat all over using straight edges for the corners scratch up as normal then stick the beads with render wedge the hardboard up(shinny side up) when the beads have dried a bit, touch in around the arch , then top coat both sides remove hardboard while green next day cut the render underneath the arch back with sharp blade then render it or you can get plastic arch beads now if thats better for you or a arch former kit only glav though i think ? heston thats a good one ;D
like the hardboard trick... what im after though is this - in profile/plan view..


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make any sense?
yeah think so ,use beads upright one and then use a tape measure to keep all the margins the same , dont worry to much about the bubble ,margins show up more.
nice one mate, decision made then...might just take a few photos of this bugger...and get a ruler in the shot...assuming it all goes to plan that is ;D..week or two away yet...still gotta scaffold the cavernous kitchen yet!
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