Rendering large areas

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Private Member
Hi all

Got a fairly large area to render 9 x 7 total 63m2

Would like to split it in 2 for more manageable chunks...customer not to keen of having bellcast half way down...

Is there another type of bead I can use which will split it up be sound to render up to and look good painted up?

You could stop bead it or just get another spread to give you a hand if you go with the stop bead option its not gonna look the best as your best option would to put a back to back stop bead and mastic the joint which is gonna stick out like a sore thumb so i would go down the route of getting another spread to give you a hand.
Yea i'm thinking i'll need 3 spreads (one to float) and labourer for this one...ure in Bristol aren't you bod? fancy giving us a hand for a day at some point for top coat?
Is the job in bristol? I would give you a hand no probs but it all depends on how we are fixed, we are flat out at the moment but i always try and fit things in so it could be ok.
Bod said:
Is the job in bristol? I would give you a hand no probs but it all depends on how we are fixed, we are flat out at the moment but i always try and fit things in so it could be ok.

spunkys in brizzle aint he?
Bod said:
Spunky is steve i spoke to him this evening and he is a very busy man at the mo as we wanted him next week.

b*ll***s you just dont want him to have any work ;D
I would employ him full time if i could steve he is in great demand at the mo like i have said before on here he's a quality spread
Hi bod yep its in Bristol...prob end of July early a few coming in now...have you done any krend hand applied? I'll give you and spunky a shout before I book it in.
Bod said:
I would employ him full time if i could steve he is in great demand at the mo like i have said before on here he's a quality spread

fair play mate. its nice for someone to actually get credit for being a plasterer now a days. all these rogue traders programmes give off a bad image.
Bod said:
I would employ him full time if i could steve he is in great demand at the mo like i have said before on here he's a quality spread

Is he ? Well i be fooked ................... joke Dave
feck me im not that good the only way is down then ;D........bod youve got a few skills on me mate ;) im only good cause i work 14 hours a day lol
You could use an expansion bead,its basically to stop beads back to back with a white plastic trim on the front with tape that you peel off after rendering is done,just make sure you plumb the bead.
richardbrown said:
it needs an expansion bead. you shouldn't do panels that big without because it'll crack !
you only put expansion joints in if the brick/block work has them otherwise you can do as bigger area as u can Handel
flat boy skim said:
richardbrown said:
it needs an expansion bead. you shouldn't do panels that big without because it'll crack !
you only put expansion joints in if the brick/block work has them otherwise you can do as bigger area as u can Handel

I dont think thats right
i was trawling the web after i posted my question and i read you shouldn't go bigger than 18m2 without an expansion joint. can't find the site i read it on now..
expansion joints are only used when the builing structure has them built in... you just need a joint for asthetics as it will serve no useful purpose... 65 m2 is a easy hit for 2 spreads and 1 labourer just make sure plenty of water reppellant in scratch coat... ;)
Render Systems said:
expansion joints are only used when the builing structure has them built in... you just need a joint for asthetics as it will serve no useful purpose... 65 m2 is a easy hit for 2 spreads and 1 labourer just make sure plenty of water reppellant in scratch coat... ;)
thats what i ment :D
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