Rendering key

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Just looked at a job where ive got to hack of some blown rendering. Problem is, the brickwork to be re rendered has been painted. Any ideas of how to get over it to ensure it wont happen again ? I was thinking a Febond SBR slurry/Scratch /Render or use EML sheets & screw them over the painted bricks. Any better ideas ?
how big is the area??
id prolly go the eml route, charge it to customer and explain that its the most secure method, or even sbr slurry AND eml...
or needle gun and eml....
painted bricks and render do not sit well together, you really need a mechanical key of some description...
just a quick thought not sure if it would work, would weber rend aid work on the painted brickwork, then a scratch coat in s&c then top it.
when using eml is it right that the scrach coat sticks to the elm and not the wall, so it sounds hollow when u tap it.
yeh pretty much, some people call it a pricking up coat...
in this case a bit of a slurry or needling would help the render to grab the brickwork and the eml would keep it there, thereby reducing the 'hollow' you describe...
think about dormer cheeks though...rendering over plywood and felt...eml, then render... what your basically creating is a reinforced slab of concrete fixed to a substrate by its reinforcing..
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