Saturday morning had to go and scratch coat some old brick walls in an industrial unit s&c, top coated and rubbed up monday about 50m2 in total 3m high. I ve been using machines for the last few years so i didn't mind doing a bit by hand for a change, we still scim houses and float and set sometimes so my hand is still in if you know what i mean
What a silly way of earning a living , if you want to damage yourself thats how to do it, we used to float a whole house by 2.30 in s&c then scim the lot next day in times gone by. My point is i recon work smart chaps and you will last longer, these machines weren't availiable in the days i'm on about but they are now, it just brought home to me what a labour intensive step up and down shoulder crunching mud slinging daft way of doing rendering it was. Embrace the future theres no going back.