Rendering by hand

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Saturday morning had to go and scratch coat some old brick walls in an industrial unit s&c, top coated and rubbed up monday about 50m2 in total 3m high. I ve been using machines for the last few years so i didn't mind doing a bit by hand for a change, we still scim houses and float and set sometimes so my hand is still in if you know what i mean ;) What a silly way of earning a living , if you want to damage yourself thats how to do it, we used to float a whole house by 2.30 in s&c then scim the lot next day in times gone by. My point is i recon work smart chaps and you will last longer, these machines weren't availiable in the days i'm on about but they are now, it just brought home to me what a labour intensive step up and down shoulder crunching mud slinging daft way of doing rendering it was. Embrace the future theres no going back.
see i'd love to have a go with machines but we mainly do new build with d&d , domestic and extensions so it wouldn't warrant me buying one.
steve_cov_spread said:
see i'd love to have a go with machines but we mainly do new build with d&d , domestic and extensions so it wouldn't warrant me buying one.

What the f*ck is going on in your picture steve?
me and paul have been doing M1 render by hand this week bags are soaking wet and lumpy as they was left uncovered by someone so had to sieve them as well as they were full of lumps
yeah it sprays really easy but this job we couldnt get the machine near it as it was up a scaffold then across a roof then up another scaffold would have needed about 80m of pipe lol plus the bags had had it
What happens if you do put a lumpy bag in a machine monkey ? ive had screed pumps block up and its a right pain
The rotor and stator wil crush a lot of it but it still gets through and clogs the spray cap making the material come out all over the place and then it will build up pressure and blow the cap off ....... It just gets messy and makes you swear a lot lol
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