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New Member
Hi folks, need advice on a render job i'm doin for a mate.
It's the inside walls of a large fish pond (6ft deep x 8ft)
render to go onto concrete blocks.
What mix and mats should i be using?
What prep will the blocks need? Just a good soaking or stick in some pva too?
He's already got a waterproofing agent to mix in, but not sure what the render should be made up from.
Once done, the render will be painted with a waterproof pond paint.
Is it still worth doin a 2 coat render?
Your advice, as always, is appreciated.
Still worth doing to coats don't soak the blocks if they are concrete, if they are 7 newton blocks dampen but don't soak as you still want some draw from them ideally. I would also use polymer fibres in both coats. Once the top coat has cured go over it with a hot air paint stripper to remove any fibres before the paint is applied.
as andy says really but i think you also wanted to know what mix ratios, there are quite a few tips in the newby , hints and tips sections but i this the mix i would use .
Firstly i wouldn't damp the blocks down just apply a 3:1 scratch coat mix with integral water proofer and fibres.,and top off with a 6:1:1 sand/cement/lime and fibre mix and omit water proofer ,using a decent washed plastering sand and then as Andy says burn off any stray fibres. ;)
is there no membrane involved with ponds? sorry to sound daft but will render alone keep the water in ?
only if tanked , but with koi ponds you need to treat with a sealant or fibregalss other wise lime leaches into the water. so tanking with cementitious slurry is no good , the only reason for the water proofer in the scratch coat is to prevent water penetrating the render from the soil/block side and delaminating your sealant used ie G8 pond seal or the fibre glass, it serves no purpose in preventing water leaking from the pond
so anybody if youre into youre fish and would like a little stone surround contact mr warrior :)
whats with the burning off of the fibres? i would have though if it was gonna get painted with some rubberoid paint of some kind theyd just add to the key? not that i know anything about ponds though?
They can protrude through the sealant Chris or sometimes react with it , yes Spunky i got a koi pond mate and could use the flrexc round it if any body needs a stone effect finish......yaaaawwwwnnnn boring myself now, what a wankstain , any how loads of info on ponds at lots of sites , personal choice an all that ::) ::)
Cheers fellas, Bit of a strange one isn't it.
Had a butchers at the website, seems there's a couple of different methods/mixes, such as not using lime at all etc but all methods recommend using the fibres.
Have got the new pond owner to have a look too (its a mate).
Any other tips will be appreciated,
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