render suppliers

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Well-Known Member
i need aprox 100 bags of either monocouche or maromit.allways buy my materails from jewsons but they told me there`s a carriage charge of £500 for order`s under £2000!
anyone know of any suppliers that will supply this small order?
Bobby i cant believe that when i was in the U.K. Jewsons were O.K. if you had an acount, if you dont stripe up, have you got one if not open one.
i`ve had an account for years mate.i also know the accounts manager fairly well so get decent`s who make the gear charge them so they pass it on.based in barnstaple,north devon.cheers
go to marmorit direct they are near bristol or spsrender or cpi euromix 7 quid a bag on orders over 90 01494730134 andy cowland
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