Render over render

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New Member
I've searched this forum for advice on rendering over existing render but cannot find anything. Apologies if I've created a new post for no reason.
My problem is as follows -
Reasonably sized bungalow smooth rendered a few years ago in cement and sand two coat work.
Left for a year or so and then coated with Sandtex smooth.
I can now see all of the imperfections in the original work, especially when the sun shines across a wall (a friend of mine called the effect "fat ladies legs")
I really do not want to have the work hacked off and done again and so my question is either-
Is there a product on the market that can be applied over the Sandtex and trowelled to a smooth finish?
Am I only really left with the option of something like Sandtex High Build to disguise the problem, and would a rollered finish actually disguise the "ins and outs"?
Many thanks.
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