render over plaster

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all i said was can you render over plaster as i never have and i wanted too know if it cood be dune and FANNYMAN started being a numty thats all soo ill now keep it shut m8te and if i need help i will not be asking m8te as FANNYMAN whants my arse :o
carping said:
all i said was can you render over plaster as i never have and i wanted too know if it cood be dune and FANNYMAN started being a numty thats all soo ill now keep it shut m8te and if i need help i will not be asking m8te as FANNYMAN whants my arse :o

LOL you cant delete the post then start a fresh one slagging me off and still make no sense lol i asked you a simple question thats all, thats two threads you have slagged me off or accused me of something i havent done but i dont mind thats what im here for to be abused for giving the correct advise or questioning stupid advise or stupid questions. xx
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