Refina s*p*r*lex 1st 2nd or 3rd edition?


New Member
I'm about to buy a good finishing trowel. Refina s*p*r*lex seems to be ok. The only question is which one. The difference in between them the thickness/stiffness as far as I'm concerned. But which one is the best. I presume the mk3/ thickest one is good for flattening the second coat as well, but as we know presume is the mother of all f..k ups. So I'd be glad to hear advices. Thx
I'm not stuck to any brands, just looking for a good tool. I think if it's slightly stiffer it's more forgiving when the multifinish starts to set fast at summertime or draft, but let me know if it isn't true.
I have the 1st and 3rd.Both very good trowels,the 3rd is a bit narrower and a bit more rigid.The Nela mediflex would be a good comparison.
I'm about to buy a good finishing trowel. Refina s*p*r*lex seems to be ok. The only question is which one. The difference in between them the thickness/stiffness as far as I'm concerned. But which one is the best. I presume the mk3/ thickest one is good for flattening the second coat as well, but as we know presume is the mother of all f..k ups. So I'd be glad to hear advices. Thx
Nela Black edition has been my favourite flex trowel to date, mediflex is good too.
Personally prefer a longer blade when using a flex . Got 16" and 18", getting really good coverage and finish. Ox ultraflex is another good trowel
What is the difference?

The NELA BLACK is a 0.4mm blade with a width of 4.75”

Originally we had a 4.3” 0.3mm blade which is still our best seller. However, many people said they wanted a stiffer trowel with the same benefits and properties - the black edition was the result
sorry for late reply mate ...

kids kept me on my toes all day.

I'm using 18"ox trowel and 18" medi.

in all honesty
its changed my life on skimming
just so much easier on my body (y) (y)
I just couldnt get on with em. Gonna try that finetex again before I retire in august
sorry for late reply mate ...

kids kept me on my toes all day.

I'm using 18"ox trowel and 18" medi.

in all honesty
its changed my life on skimming
just so much easier on my body (y) (y)

Which ox 18" are you rating mate?

Standard, semiflex, or the ultraflex?