Re-Skimming new plater

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New Member

Doing a ceiling and had a little trouble due to a few strange angles around the edges. Long story short, the ceiling went off really quick and i sweated my balls off trying to keep up. Put a mist coat on to see what it looked like and im not happy at all. Im going to re-Skim at the weekend.

Question really is i dont want a repeat of last time. Can i slow the process down some how?

Im using PVA method.
First put a coat of 3 to 1 on and let it dry
Then once dry a coat of 4 to 1 and once tacky start to lay the first coat in.

Somone once said i should leave the first coat to dry for at least an hour or 2 before adding the second coat and skimming?? Is this true? If so i know loads of plasters who have been in and done a wall or 2 before dinner so how do they do it?

Thanks all
i would 5.1 pva let dry then tacky coat at 3.1 mate should be fine with new plaster reskims you can get quite a bit of suction from it get this under control an you should be ok
Are you having a laugh! Go round to the person whp told you to leave the first coat for an 1hr or 2hr before adding the second and kick em up the backside! You could add plaster adhesive to your mix , a hand full I think. Never tried it but old schoolers say it gives you more time and works.
if your worried about the suction and want to play safe give it three coats of PVA (the more the merrier) and as always plaster when last coat is tacky.
Thought it was a little strange to have to wait 1 to 2 hours lol

the ceililng is around 11 ft sq ish
it's the angles around the edges where the trowel doesn't fit that gets me

need a 6 inch trowel lol
slate said:
Thought it was a little strange to have to wait 1 to 2 hours lol

the ceililng is around 11 ft sq ish
it's the angles around the edges where the trowel doesn't fit that gets me

need a 6 inch trowel lol

If I was you Slate I'd get myself a tub of Thislte Bond-it or better still Knauf Betokontakt.

Paint on a good coat, leave to dry over night and you will have no suction problems, PVA is too 'hit & miss'.

If the angles are arkward, why not skim the flat first, then skim the rakes seperately?
TechnicalInstructor said:
If I was you Slate I'd get myself a tub of Thislte Bond-it or better still Knauf Betokontakt.

Paint on a good coat, leave to dry over night and you will have no suction problems, PVA is too 'hit & miss'.

If the angles are arkward, why not skim the flat first, then skim the rakes seperately?

I see what your saying mate but the angles are round and part of the ceiling. Its one of those ex council houses where the ceilings come round on 2 of the walls and the 90 in the corner is proper tough lol
needs to be done at the same time or you till tell
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