Doing a ceiling and had a little trouble due to a few strange angles around the edges. Long story short, the ceiling went off really quick and i sweated my balls off trying to keep up. Put a mist coat on to see what it looked like and im not happy at all. Im going to re-Skim at the weekend.
Question really is i dont want a repeat of last time. Can i slow the process down some how?
Im using PVA method.
First put a coat of 3 to 1 on and let it dry
Then once dry a coat of 4 to 1 and once tacky start to lay the first coat in.
Somone once said i should leave the first coat to dry for at least an hour or 2 before adding the second coat and skimming?? Is this true? If so i know loads of plasters who have been in and done a wall or 2 before dinner so how do they do it?
Thanks all
Doing a ceiling and had a little trouble due to a few strange angles around the edges. Long story short, the ceiling went off really quick and i sweated my balls off trying to keep up. Put a mist coat on to see what it looked like and im not happy at all. Im going to re-Skim at the weekend.
Question really is i dont want a repeat of last time. Can i slow the process down some how?
Im using PVA method.
First put a coat of 3 to 1 on and let it dry
Then once dry a coat of 4 to 1 and once tacky start to lay the first coat in.
Somone once said i should leave the first coat to dry for at least an hour or 2 before adding the second coat and skimming?? Is this true? If so i know loads of plasters who have been in and done a wall or 2 before dinner so how do they do it?
Thanks all