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some are some are not
You won't be surprised that I am actually interested in advertising , I personally just think , that's top price , but fascinated by how they choose to portray their products , the individual targeting has some way to go and look forward to its next level , perhaps not just prediction through age , gender and previous clicks as standard now but almost education and enlightenment
You won't be surprised that I am actually interested in advertising , I personally just think , that's top price , but fascinated by how they choose to portray their products , the individual targeting has some way to go and look forward to its next level , perhaps not just prediction through age , gender and previous clicks as standard now but almost education and enlightenment
I’m 99% sure my google mini in my living room is picking up on things that are getting talked about and using it to tailor my ads. Very suspicious of it

Fking knew it
I’m 99% sure my google mini in my living room is picking up on things that are getting talked about and using it to tailor my ads. Very suspicious of it
They are welcome inside my mind anytime, i just embrace chaos , would expect google voice to monitor but not be Legal to sell , tracking location is probably legal , none of which bothers me , I find it humorous that TV still makes money because their are enough people who will buy a car or perfume in order to get laid
You won't be surprised that I am actually interested in advertising , I personally just think , that's top price , but fascinated by how they choose to portray their products , the individual targeting has some way to go and look forward to its next level , perhaps not just prediction through age , gender and previous clicks as standard now but almost education and enlightenment