Radiator brackets

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Alright all.
Was on a job today where customer took radiator off wall + wanted
wall skimmed. Usually id take brackets off screw screws back into the rawl plugs right up to the nuts skim over then unscrew screw until heads just visible through 2nd coat. Trowel up to a finish take screws out replace brackets + Job done. Was wondering if this is the norm or am I seaking perfection!!!!lol.
Sounds good. There's nothing wrong with your method. With the radiator and brackets removed one might as well go ahead and skim it entirely. Remembering the location of the original fixings also saves on having to drill new holes for the brackets. I wonder how many of us have skimmed over the screws and forgotten where they were? :-)
Ive skimmed right over a few + had to unpack the sds to sort out before leaving.
I usually make a pencil mark on floor/ skirting board + make a note of the heights just in case someone gets a brew on + you forget. Bit anal I know!!
I tape gaffer tape over original bracket location, pencil mark on skirting board, skim as usual then remove gaffer tape before final trowel. brackets go back to original location.
i leave the screws in till i flatten then trowel over them, you can still see the hollows to put the screws back in. Someone put up a tip of putting bits of drinking straw into thescrew holes which you can trowel over and they spring back u. av never used it but it sounds good in theory
I leave the screw in till ive 2 coated then take them out. Holes shouldnt fill up. I bought some straws to try that theory but since ive had them hadn't had to work around brackets yet!
There are instances where you cant take the rad off, but yeah thats good practice mate.

Although its a bit more bother taking the rad and brackets off, its worth having a cleaner run at it.
I either leave the screws in or put tissue paper in the holes with a bit sticking out and it swells when it gets wet, just pull the paper out as your trowelling up.
Surly it's up to the plumber to sort out. I never ever take rads off myself so I never have to worry about the screw holes.

Is it just me?
I hate taking rads off because 8/10 times they always leak and we end up stripping the paper behind! i Like to leave the screws in and go round because i always lose the holes whilst having a brew lol When doing damp courses i like to float up to the brackets as a level guide for the thickness of the exsiting plaster and then alter. I left a lad on the job for 2 days once to float and skim the damp, i came back and he not only took the brackets off and lost the holes, he also put it on about 5 inches thick. Next thing u know the radiator wouldnt go back on as it was brought forward with the thickness and the pipes was in the wrong place, the skirting also wouldnt go back and needed notchin out for the pipes and the beading for the wood floor was also brought forward a few inches to many. Dont let this happen to u fellas it was a nitemare honest...
I hate taking rads off because 8/10 times they always leak and we end up stripping the paper behind! i Like to leave the screws in and go round because i always lose the holes whilst having a brew lol When doing damp courses i like to float up to the brackets as a level guide for the thickness of the exsiting plaster and then alter. I left a lad on the job for 2 days once to float and skim the damp, i came back and he not only took the brackets off and lost the holes, he also put it on about 5 inches thick. Next thing u know the radiator wouldnt go back on as it was brought forward with the thickness and the pipes was in the wrong place, the skirting also wouldnt go back and needed notchin out for the pipes and the beading for the wood floor was also brought forward a few inches to many. Dont let this happen to u fellas it was a nitemare honest...

Same man hate it but just had to do it!! Tell the customer to take them off or I will just feather in to it, I'm sure everyones done a job where you have taken a rad of and it's split just under the lock shield!! Old rads are the worst that have been painted!! Did one last year and spent half the day draining the system!! Ragging!!
Yeh I always refuse to touch rads.( learnt the hard way) Unless theyre new valves theyre pretty much guaranteed to leak when you put them back on. I always tell clients they need to sort that and my insurance is void if i remove/ put them back on. Brackets during the skim, to be honest i just loosen them off and skim behind leaving the screws hanging, then fasten back before dry trowel.
I refuse to remove rads anymore and as for skimming we do the same as others leave just the screws in til 2nd trowel and then remove, have not lost any holes yet.
Just a question but when skimming do you prefer taking the rads off? If the rad is on how do you go about skimming around them?
your way is fine after all nobody will ever see the finish once the rad is back on
what i do is fill the plug with a little silicone and skim like normal. The plaster if it even sticks past the 2nd trowel will not set with rest of the plaster and finish a different color making it easy to see the plug holes.
the silicone is not even noticeable when your screwing the fittings back on either.

If the owner was happy with 20 years of wallpaper behind the radiator i think im putting too much effort in my job
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