goody said:I,ve got one on the way plus the single one too. done some quoins and reeded colums the other day for the first time and although they turned out mint eventually a tool like this will pay for itself in no time by speeding things up a lot so for me I'll be investing
Render Systems said:
I got me self some 14 holers a couple of years back got to get me red laces and bleached jeans yetRender Systems said:actually i am going to cut a small feather edge in half and make one as thats all that looks like... and i do trat myself just got a spanking pair of doc martins
Render Systems said:actually i am going to cut a small feather edge in half and make one as thats all that looks like... and i do trat myself just got a spanking pair of doc martins
goody said:Mine arrived yesterday and they are propper bits of kit, well made and sturdy. Anyone doing quoins or band work regularly would do well to invest in a set.
Oooh yes I dosprayit said:no you don't