Quoin Cutter

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I,ve got one on the way plus the single one too. After a nod from grand the other day I think on another post? Done some quoins and reeded colums the other day for the first time and although they turned out mint eventually a tool like this will pay for itself in no time by speeding things up a lot so for me I'll be investing
goody said:
I,ve got one on the way plus the single one too. done some quoins and reeded colums the other day for the first time and although they turned out mint eventually a tool like this will pay for itself in no time by speeding things up a lot so for me I'll be investing

any pics goody?
Render Systems said:
seen this on ebay today... good idea but expensive... im going to make one out of plywood...

Quoin Cutter

do you ever trear yourself or what?? They have a level built in..How long would it take you to make one of them maan
actually i am going to cut a small feather edge in half and make one as thats all that looks like... and i do trat myself just got a spanking pair of doc martins
Render Systems said:
actually i am going to cut a small feather edge in half and make one as thats all that looks like... and i do trat myself just got a spanking pair of doc martins
I got me self some 14 holers a couple of years back got to get me red laces and bleached jeans yet :D
Render Systems said:
actually i am going to cut a small feather edge in half and make one as thats all that looks like... and i do trat myself just got a spanking pair of doc martins

The angle of that chamfered edge is set much steeper than a feather edge and nobody wears doc marts anymore unless they put plaster on by hand..ha
Dont take offence i still want that picture of the knauf bucket
Mine arrived yesterday and they are propper bits of kit, well made and sturdy. Anyone doing quoins or band work regularly would do well to invest in a set.
goody said:
Mine arrived yesterday and they are propper bits of kit, well made and sturdy. Anyone doing quoins or band work regularly would do well to invest in a set.

can't we just borrow yours. class it as breaking them in for you.
lol.......funny thing is now that they're here prob wont get another quoin job for 12months now so yeah no probs matey
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