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Private Member
How do you get your website link to turn blue in your signature? Tried everything and cant do it but have seen it done on here.
Go to your settings & edit signature
Then type this before & after Plasterer Ayrshire

I've had to separate it to show on here or it doesn't come up,
So on the first one type it & make sure ="blue] is after [COLOR with no space in-between.

Then type Plasterer Ayrshire

Then type the second line after with out the space inbetween like I've done here.


2) [/

Try it if not there's other ways but I'll look later.
Stuart you have to change the colour to blue then type in 'WATP 54 TITLES'
then it should work
Go to the part where you edit your signature. Highlight what you want to link and click the little logo with a glohe and a figure 8 on its side. Then type in your website
Tried it 3 times, keeps saying BB code COLOR not allowed.

At the bottom of your edit signature page does it say

Allow Color BB Code No?


Allow Color BB Code Yes?

If it's No, then you need to unlock the BB Code setting & change it to Yes.
The only way to do this is email Danny & he will do it for you for a small fee of about £12,
or you can spread the cost & pay monthly it works out about a £1 a month, which is good value for having the blue signature because it stands out more than the standard black hyperlink. :RpS_thumbup:

Go for it mate email away you'll never look back :-)
Think i'll set up a direct debit for it mate if danny allows me. A lot to pay out in the one go.

It is mate but it's well worth it, I actually missed one payment last year I think it was July & Danny was fine about it & he let me spread that months missed payment cost over the remainder of the monthly payments I had left that year, so I paid £1.20p for the last 5 months, i won't lie it was a bit of a struggle but i managed it somehow :RpS_thumbup:

Just email him Stuart he'll sort it for you & he's got a deal on at the moment buy 1 years worth of unlocked Color BB Code for the price of 2 years :RpS_thumbup: feckin bargain!! :RpS_cool:
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@Danny if your no going to turn my color on can I request you turn @Nisus color off? His wee blue sig is starting to get on my wick.
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I cant turn it on just for you :-)

Its a perk for the members that get stuck in and get involved :-)

I did get your PM just been very busy :-)
Draws you


I was going to do every letter different, but I think that was just too much.... LOL

Who is Stooge 3 marra... seen you and beddy.... is Stooge 3 shy?
Draws you


I was going to do every letter different, but I think that was just too much.... LOL

Who is Stooge 3 marra... seen you and beddy.... is Stooge 3 shy?

howay the lads........................yes i am a little reserved Richard, as you well know.............................:RpS_sneaky:
lol jace was offered the place of fourth stooge. but never showed interest..:RpS_crying:

He's too needy..................and beddy is sick of tea bagging him so we had to cut away the dead wood.....................and he's messy...................:rolleyes)
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