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I work from a tub but many prefer the board.
I have perfected the lazy but efficient way to plaster which is get my labourer to mix up and as fast as im using it he is feeding me from the bucket , it works really well, you can lay loads more up and he is always there ready with a hawk full.

People call me lazy but if im paying a labourer to work all day I want him to work and it makes my life easier .

Rich B
they do say plaster goes off quicker in a tub than on a board..
i use a tub though..
if i had a labourer full time id prolly use a board though..
and rich..
have you ever though of teaching your lad to flatten off?
bigsegs said:
they do say plaster goes off quicker in a tub than on a board..
i use a tub though..
if i had a labourer full time id prolly use a board though..
and rich..
have you ever though of teaching your lad to flatten off?

Yeah he does when he can but I keep him so busy cleaning, feeding, preping that he doesnt usually have time. I usually flatten whilst he is mixing the second coat and cleaning out buckets then hes getting the next set ready then back cleaning out sockets and door frames oh yeah poor ben has it tough with me lol
depends on the job 50 p/d most of the time but 60 when I can. he has it easy mind pick him up and drop him off and we have a laugh all day so everyones a winner .....

Rich b
drop him to national minimum wage and stop having fun with him or it'll all end in tears trust me ;D
Nah hes a good lad never once been late, knows how I like the van packed etc etc the problem with me is is has to be done my way else I just cant work and he knows just how i like things so makes my life easy.

Rich B
1) teach em to mix up..
2) teach em to clean down (properly, all of it when its ready)
3) when the little fecker is scratching his arse give him a trowel and set him off flattening early.. time hes done 2 square it'll be ready..
4) you go over anything he does anyway..
5) in three weeks youll be bangin full rooms on in one set..
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