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skimmin2day said:
To prime at a guess id say......30m2
To adhere half that,but thats an estimated guess me old china.
Wtf you upto dude???
i have found some stuff that costs about £6.36 per ltr and covers about 55m and only needs one coat so i was just comparing costs
I cant see how any product can cover 55 m2 per Litre unless its over vinyl silk paint and put on thinly..
I used 30 litres o f paint on large gable wall a few weeks back when i estimated 10,it wasnt complete guesswork as ive been doing this a long time,butit just sucked the fu c k e r ing paint in with poor coverage, you get the same with pva sometimes and need more.
used that befor .put hardwall over it. dont think you will beat pva for cheapness. as the thistle products are good but expensive kirk
to be honest mate its not the cash for me i dont mind paying more cash for a better product, i just like to do the very best job i can, as i have said before.. some people work to live i live to work ;)
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