pva walls

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New Member
hi all, im in a middle of a job and have a question,have anyone ever plastererd a wall without pva'in it first, the reason is when i was there the other day when i pva the wall it took ages to go off before i could plaster it, the walls have been painted. or is it a case of waiting .i no i should of pva'd it when i left the other day but had to go . ??? :-\
PVA does 2 things, seals the wall, and creates a chemical key.

If the paint holds back the water well, then you could either give it a weak coat of PVA and leave it to dry, the another and skim when tacky. Or you could give it 1 good coat of 3-1 and skim when its tacky
while on about p.v.a i had a a strange thing happen today i the skim like started to sag down the wall how come this happened it has never happened to me before and whats the best way to get round it
you skimmed on the pva to early, it has to be nearly gone off on a surface like that because when you skim over the pva the moisture from the skim wets up the pva again so it slides
Any-one has any idea the reason for this? Had a re-skim couple months ago the place had been stripped of wall-paper by a steamer and the areas which had no paint on and was the old grey finish-pva as usual went tacky prety quick so give it another coat of pva this surface calmed down a bit so then put first coat of finish when tacky.Now when i came back to put second coat on the finish was all splitting up (only on the un-painted old grey finish) after second coating it never had any probs! Just wanted to know if any-one has experienced this and why as i said never happened to me before or after this occation Cheers ???
Sounds like there was still high suction on the unpainted areas, despite your 2 coats of PVA.
If you put your 2nd coat of pva on & the 1st coat hadn't dried,
basically your just adding to the 1st coat & it's not sealing the surface
so it's still going to have high suction which is what would have caused
the splitting/crazing.
On high suction areas you need to leave your 1st coat to fully dry before applying 2nd coat
so that it seals the surface.
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