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Hi all, I hope this post doesnt start any bitching lol. I have experience in venetian. There are many good products on the market and some not so good but that is a matter of opinion. Many people have asked for advice on materials and there has been alot of conflict. For me if i dont like a certain product i wont use it simple but i would encourage someone else to try it because it may work well for them. I know for a fact many suppliers get there gear from italy but the guy in italy has a supplier. The manufacterer sells this as white label. so many companies and i know which ones get there gear from the same manufacterer and brand it in there name and just have a different colour system. so all the arguements that go on are silly coz many of the products are the same just branded differently. this isnt to say all the materials in the uk are the same but many are. essentially venetian is lime based but all venetian plaster does have very little acrylics in them. but this doesnt make the product acrylic based. there are acrylic products and as we know they are paints which give different effects. I hope all this makes sense and the forum can be a little more constructive. Also as a applicator it is good to use a variety of products with a broad colour range, whether its one supplier or 3 different suppliers.
i absolutely love reading all the bitching-like a bunch of schoolgirls some of em-but apparently colorit are a big supplier of stucco in italy
Yeah it was funny but got abit silly, all the rucks in previous threads. there were things said about resins and acrylics in products and slating other peoples gear. coverit are a major player, many companies get there gear from them and rebrand it. not many people know that so i thought i would say. there was alot said in previous threads about materials and whats in them, so i thought i would point out that many people are selling the same gear.
nor did i-looks like im becoming a bathroom specialist!gotta go price another one on thursday so cant be bad-talking of coverit i was watching some of there youtube stuff and the applicator looks the spit of a certain fella called gianni-funny old world eh?
sat at home this week as my boys school caught fire on friday so im playing stressed out dad!
got a white marmarino on next week but need to go and do some gyposum work on it first-ideally tomorrow but it looks like im gonna have a five year old labourer-least i can pay him chocolate buttons!!
its coverit. from what i remember its a basic website try google italy. they supply stucco italiano. theres a stucco italiano site and .it site which is owned by gianni in italy
coverit is co-owwned by ramaino, giavani used to work for them and estalished himself 6 yrs ago, he buys materials from them and sellls to various people. I been there with Cecchin.
Yeah i know giavani sells to loads of people he is a big supplier. I was just making people aware that suppliers arent manufacturing there own materials, And many of the products various suppliers sell are from the same manufacturer. The only difference being colour range and price.
hi venetianplaster, new to this forum, saw some of this going on the other day in London. Where did you learn? as I'm interested in getting a string to another bow. sick of doing full sets day in day out when I cud be doing something better.
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