probs ?

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ive got a block extention to render on the back elevation there is a 12 ft rsj above folding doors. the client wants k rend or weber, if this was a normal ocr job i would ply line and building paper then mesh and render the steel but with it being a through colour render do i have to add fibre mesh as well if so is it after the 1st few mill of render or am i on the wrong track altogether and should i be using rendaid ? cheeers in advance
ok then, anyone know if i nog out the rsj and screw cement bord over it then rendaid that will that work. if i fibre mesh the joints
Do it the way you want to murp both ways sound good , but i would put fibre mesh around it aswell cant hurt mate .
have done a couple of these now......cement board then adhesive and mesh like hell.....bout 3 layers of mesh with a decent overlap. Be careful when scratching back though because the boarded part will be miles ahead in the set compared to the surrounding blockwork and could catch you out with it being dry to soon if in the sun etc
fellers just a note on this wont he need a specific type of board for render? we go over the grey cemboard with insulation and we use the renderflex or renderboard cemboards for direct application

goody when you say adhesive and mesh do you mean you coat the board first with a rendaid or a hipolymer base-mesh then add the mono?
have used knauf aquapanel for direct application because it's with the parex spec for their timber frame system. Have used sas prep on both occasions with good results.
thats what I was getting at. I recall a spec from a job in scotland a while back that was a renderboard sfs wall spec for render was maite/mesh coat then mono.

just wasnt sure weather or not mono would like the cemboard but like you say the aquapanel is different to cemboard
used cemboard with hpx and e grade before and cemboard with maite and monorex gf on heads at mo, used bluclad with prep and pro rend also and now weber will approve a board(dont know which one) with lac and pral m, les has a good system with ac monorend ,that would be best imo
so it deffo needs suitable base on the board then (a hi strength polymer for board) before a stock mono can go onto it
yeah you just need whatever adhesive coat from same manufacture as mono , fully meshed and scracthed
encon do a cem-panel make sure its the full cement board tho a lot of them are woodchip based never bothered with basecoat just bed your mesh into some mono out of bucket from machine setup just before you start the panel no risk of rubing back to dry patch then and its all setting at same time
cheers for that lads after reading through that lot I dont half hanker for the old days sand and cement anyway going to go for weber and bell their tech line and ask them to speck it. im a dinosaur and dont use machines or know anything about spraying so whatever i use will be by hand again thanks
i thought as much like, mono is no good for board application, but i wondered on the job why we would bother maite/mesh and then mono when we couldv just textured it after the maite/mesh

think your right madmonk I remember seeing a nbs drawing on the system from weber once and i am sure its lac first onto the board, but suppose rendaid will work 2
it is lac have done it to webers spec but only on one type of board ,cant remember what it was tho, it was white very similar to bluclad
sounds like renerboard that Ian it has a smooth side and a rougher meshcloth like side pure white they named it renderboard (genius) but a good board that equivelant to renderflex boards
yeah it was smooth one side, we done 3 sites with weber pral m and they had timber bays and up and over roofs and we asked weber but they wouldnt give us a spec for it they said it couldnt be done so we used hpx and egrade because krend would spec it ,then all of a sudden weber started specing it for us said theyd guarentee it,lol
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