Private Number Plates

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Just saw richardBrowns website saw his van with a private plate....anybody else.

Its a bit of a cock extention (however I have had mine for a long time now)

M12 DVC is mine lol looks like MR DVC

I am lookin for one for my kit car now...... Also, when I return I want a Porsche 911..... so my plate will be moved. to that so will look a lot better than on my escort.

Been looking at 911 for a while nearly bought one last year but chickened out.

What else does everybody else drive?

Private Number Plates

My boy Ronnie!
i've got old relay, looks like a skip on wheels! i put my money in bricks and mortar, wheels i buy cheap and run into the ground!
I just missed out on VW 56 VAN when I got my Sportline. Will have to be quicker next time.
Private Number Plates
Nice van Tony , but your sign writting is a bit back to front mate ;) ;D .... i thought we were talking about what cars we drive ???
Pug said:
i've got old relay, looks like a skip on wheels! i put my money in bricks and mortar, wheels i buy cheap and run into the ground!

my first van the citreon relay.......................... back door opened up.loved it what a work horse
Not bad price them personal plates,if you get one of the dvla i think there only about 250 quid including the transfer fee.
I had a 911 reg, was going to advertise it but in the end let it stay on the car it was L 911 OKY. So was I a daft t*&t..? :D
I dnt av a private plate but i drive this in the day
Private Number Plates

And i want a private plate for my car (SRI BYE BYE would look good!)

Private Number Plates

nice mitsubishi warrior! i wanted one but i had to be real and realize that they are no use for work at all.
I used to have the warrior shogun sport as my car but it was losing money hand over fist and i could only claim 43pence a mile i think it was, so chopped in for the warrior and now get capital allowance plus fuel, repairs etc etc and road fund licence is only £90 for year plus i have trailer and cart what i want about in that ;D ;D
I have 2 motorbikes which I have restored, a mint RD 350 LC 1980 and the first RGV 250 VJ21 All my photos are high res and I dont know how to get them up here anyway :(

quality mate, who dribbles the most in your house when the chops come out you or the dogs lol, my dog only has to get a sniff of food and she has bungee goo hanging from her chops,
Stu you ought to see it mate every day my missus goes round wiping drool off the doors , walls , ceilings you name it she manages to get great lumps of slaver every where , shockin :-[ :-[ :-[
there was a mastiff at the training school we took ours too the dog had a 19" neck bloomin massive it was and it thought it was a lapdog used to try and climb on the ladys lap every time she sat down, she used to bring 2 carrier bags for it, 1 incase it took a dump and the other for the bootlaces lol, how old is she
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