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New Member
just starting a new bussines up I've put the ads in the local rag & got to price a job up tommorow how do you guys price your jobs day rate , sq meter , the one I'am going to look at is 12x9 plus ceiling & I was looking at about £300 do you think its a bit low or high . thanks for your opinions, fed up of working for sombody who's a tit cheers
I would say firstly price your materials required, then add on a decent day rate for the job. As you know there are no set out rules and its down to you really.
£300 for a days work sounds good too me!!!!

Good luck with the pricing!!!!!! ;)
Pricing is definiately a personal thing I struggled at first to get it right but now I find it pretty easy.

See what you want day rate plus materials plus labourer then I always add on a bit more just in case things go tits.

thanx for the replys sound like good advice especialy the tits up bit , been & priced 5 up now just waiting to see if owt comes back . cheers
pricing is a personal thing the thing to think abt is will it lead to more work? or is it a one off? if its a one off charge top drawer if it cld lead to more work ie word of mouth maybe go a bit lower> but as danny knows i charge way too low anyway. lol ;)
lol my opinion is if you charge £100 they still gonna want a £400 job may as well charge £400. They can go and get other quotes and then they there is no pressure.

I tend to say leave it with me I will get back to you, normally then nip round with a written quote and post through the door then if they have not phoned back in a couple of days just follow up and if they say nope they will go with someone else, I ask why and at least then you seems to work for me.

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