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New Member
Firstly hello all!
I am just starting out as a plasterer and am about to finish my traing!
can any oue give me any advice on quoting, i understand that im not going to be as quick as some one who has been in the trade for a while. I live and intend to work devon. Thanks for your help on this matter. Chris
it was only a ruff guide, small box room id probably charge £150-200

its hard to say what id charge without seeing the room first
what would you like to earn a day mate?

i was told u should expect £180 in ya pocket a day working for yorself, materials all added on after that

but u gotta be realistic about the length of the job if its a one day, u can charge only one day even of it takes u 2 (if u jus startin out)  :'(
if i earn £500 a week im happy, if earn £750 a week im even happier, its swings and round abouts mate
plasters out there probably earn even more than that, but im happy with £500 - £750
I have been lead to belive that i should be looking at making about 150 - 200 aday but i very aware that im alot slower that some one with more experience. but as much as posibal with out riping people off!
how do you mean training mate ? have you learnt with a lad or have you been on a course ? how long for mate ?
how do you mean training mate ? have you learnt with a lad or have you been on a course ? how long for mate ?
yus...i get the impression that the learning is only just beginning... :D
Its an 8 week city and gulids leval 1
I know that there is more learning todo in the real world than can ever be taught in a college but i have to start some where and as an 30 year old bloke im to old for an apprenticeship.
u dont 'charge' day rate for domestic!!
day rate is for subbies...
day rate in relation to domestic relates to how many days you think it will take x your day rate (what you want each day) + materials + sundries = quoted price
if your an established spread your day rate will be around 150 - 200 domestic
if your a learner, price it by the room and take as long as you need, or dont...try pricing a room out at 4 days...65 quid a day for a novice??
sounds about right...
also dont fall into the trap of thinking youre gonna earn 150 quid every day for the rest of your life...
thats the other reason your on 150+ a day when your good...
if you average 500 a week for a year on domestic youve done very well, but youve still got origional knee and elbow joints (unlike the site lads ;D)
in other words...get used to jeremy kyle cos youll be seein a lot of him...
u dont 'charge' day rate for domestic!!
day rate is for subbies...
day rate in relation to domestic relates to how many days you think it will take x your day rate (what you want each day) + materials + sundries = quoted price
if your an established spread your day rate will be around 150 - 200 domestic
if your a learner, price it by the room and take as long as you need, or dont...try pricing a room out at 4 days...65 quid a day for a novice??
sounds about right...
also dont fall into the trap of thinking youre gonna earn 150 quid every day for the rest of your life...
thats the other reason your on 150+ a day when your good...
if you average 500 a week for a year on domestic youve done very well, but youve still got origional knee and elbow joints (unlike the site lads  ;D)
in other words...get used to jeremy kyle cos youll be seein a lot of him...

yeah thats what i meant by day rate, depends on the job, it not £150 a day doin a wall a day
ok...before the iron age there was no such thing as 'day rate'...the best craftsmen with years of experience put their prices in and somebody got the job...
then someone had a clever idea..
wot if i employ people to do the job, and cos im guaranteeing them work i can offer them a 'salary' or 'wage' it takes all the hassle away like 'hunting for work'...
to a truly self employed tradesman, every job you look at is a 'job interview' and you have to get the job...
to a subby, you get 1 'job interview' every six months (legally)
i have to do it every week...
so...if im 'good' at job interviews and youre crap then it makes sense for me to do the interview bit, you do the graft...
that way i charge more cos im payin you AND me, still get the job and were both happy cos you dont have to worry about where your next jobs comin from...
and that is the difference in a nutshell...
it is hard work bein the gaffer, and theres a lot more to it than most people realise, its when you DO realise that you have a choice to make...
do you wanna be 'the gaffer' or are you happier with a regular wage without hassle or pressure...
site lads get no argument from me, if you gotta family to feed and bills need payin...not to mention mortgages, kids clothes ongoing thing then site work will prolly save your sanity, and your life..
if you can manage to get round that problem, have some faith, its worth a shot...always bearing in mind theres always someone better than you, cheaper than you, and faster than you...
still more to it though..
the only reason 'day rate' came about is it became reasonable to assume a certain level/quantity of work per day, makes it easier to work a job out...
plasterin has got to be one of the easiest jobs to work a day rate out from...
and to be able to work any sort of 'day rate' out you need years of experience...
I have had experiance in both site and domestic you get cream on both just be flexible you will earn good money and you will earn crap money as well, it all evens up in the end. I was workin on site last year and we were earning £700 a day between 2 of us as were doing a flat a day but it wasnt every day as things werent ready materials was another problem power and water supplies getting cut off, as soon as anything interferes with the process of the day it all goes tits up, Its the same on domestic i have priced jobs and said to the customer make sure the rooms are clear and you get there on the day you are about to start and nothing has been moved straight away your losing as in your mind you have set a time you need to get the job done without have to move all the furniture out of the room but its like everything swings and roundabouts rough with the smooth, but expect to earn anything form 80 to 200 a day and you will never be disapointed ;)
sometimes when i go and price jobs up for people i dont know, i just ask them how much they want to pay for the job. (reverse phychology or something like that) basicly i want them to know i mean business and im not gona work for nothing. that way you'll find out if there time wasters or not. 8-) there's not point beatting around the bush is there. if the job its through word and mouth the job is pretty much yours ;)
I have had experiance in both site and domestic you get cream on both just be flexible you will earn good money and you will earn crap money as well, it all evens up in the end. I was workin on site last year and we were earning £700 a day between 2 of us as were doing a flat a day but it wasnt every day as things werent ready materials was another problem power and water supplies getting cut off, as soon as anything interferes with the process of the day it all goes tits up, Its the same on domestic i have priced jobs and said to the customer make sure the rooms are clear and you get there on the day you are about to start and nothing has been moved straight away your losing as in your mind you have set a time you need to get the job done without have to move all the furniture out of the room but its like everything swings and roundabouts rough with the smooth, but expect to earn anything form 80 to 200 a day and you will never be disapointed ;)
this is dead right..though i think site 'evens the bumps out' a bit more....u agree bod?
the other good thing about site is you KEEP used to it...
domestic can give u gaps of 2 days to 2 weeks... you just cant keep site pace up havin time off all the time, youve got to be fit to be a site plasterer..
cashwise theres prolly not a lot in it...but for your time off on domestic you get the stress of worry..
when i first set up on my own the bank gave me a questionaire to fill in honestly..
in there were questions like 'do you have a stable family base, are they supportive'
'are you capable of living on a budget'
of course i answered 'yes' to everything...
then...6-12 months in you start to realise exactly WHY they asked those questions...
yer pays yer money, yer takes yer choice, but yer NEVER stops learnin.. :D
But if they dont want to pay alot for the job then its a waste of your time looking at the job. Ive priced loads of jobs and put in realy high prices thinking to myself i dont want the job but sometimes they come in and then there worth doing but you do feel a bit of shame, we did a job a few years ago and we got the job from some one else and he said a put a decent price in as the woman was loaded so we put a price in to do a lounge it was basicaly 4 walls straight forward 1 set between the 2 of us i think it was 3 bags of skim pva and no beads well we put in the price for 300 and a week later the bloke we got the job through told us he has put the price in and we got the job for 800 and he said chuck a 50 his way so we done the job finished by 11 she paid up sweet as a nut but while we were there found out she wasnt loaded just lived in a posh part of town she was just a school teacher and she was single so we felt realy bad :(
i been down the agencies bod, just lookin to fill the gaps in, not worried about the money, just keepin movin...takes the stress out if you keep movin...
i just dont wanna be killin myself for the rest of my life cos you always earn more with your head than you do with your back...
they takin the mickey though on prices....thing is i know what theyre chargin for it...really annoys me...
i dont mind people earnin money for people findin work, but you shouldnt take the p'ss out of the lads that earn you that money...
someone once said to me 'theres 2 kinds of people...the exploiters and the exploited' i told em to f'ck off..
I have had experiance in both site and domestic you get cream on both just be flexible you will earn good money and you will earn crap money as well, it all evens up in the end. I was workin on site last year and we were earning £700 a day between 2 of us as were doing a flat a day but it wasnt every day as things werent ready materials was another problem power and water supplies getting cut off, as soon as anything interferes with the process of the day it all goes tits up, Its the same on domestic i have priced jobs and said to the customer make sure the rooms are clear and you get there on the day you are about to start and nothing has been moved straight away your losing as in your mind you have set a time you need to get the job done without have to move all the furniture out of the room but its like everything swings and roundabouts rough with the smooth, but expect to earn anything form 80 to 200 a day and you will never be disapointed ;)
this is dead right..though i think site 'evens the bumps out' a bit more....u agree bod?
the other good thing about site is you KEEP used to it...
domestic can give u gaps of 2 days to 2 weeks... you just cant keep site pace up havin time off all the time, youve got to be fit to be a site plasterer..
cashwise theres prolly not a lot in it...but for your time off on domestic you get the stress of worry..
when i first set up on my own the bank gave me a questionaire to fill in honestly..
in there were questions like 'do you have a stable family base, are they supportive'
'are you capable of living on a budget'
of course i answered 'yes' to everything...
then...6-12 months in you start to realise exactly WHY they asked those questions...
yer pays yer money, yer takes yer choice, but yer NEVER stops learnin.. :D
This is all too true if we all had hindsite we would stash a bit away for a rainy day but its seems to be raining all the time at the moment, as for site work i have given that a rest for the meanwhile it gets a bit soul destroying banging on the meterage day in day out and it hurts after a while ;D
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