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Hey lads need some help i have a customer who wants me to price up 165m of skimming! and i have never done pricing by the metre and wonder if anyone could help me so i can get a good rate and give him a fair price many thanks lads!
3.50 walls 4.00 ceilings labour only. 4 walls 4.50 supply then add pva scrim and beads plus on the measure make sure its paid across windows and doors other wise you want linear price on beading and reveals.
Hey lads need some help i have a customer who wants me to price up 165m of skimming! and i have never done pricing by the metre and wonder if anyone could help me so i can get a good rate and give him a fair price many thanks lads!

I always just work out how long its gonna take, then work out how much i want for it and then divide that by the number of metres. If you need the work you may have to come down a bit on what you want for it.
3.50 walls 4.00 ceilings labour only. 4 walls 4.50 supply then add pva scrim and beads plus on the measure make sure its paid across windows and doors other wise you want linear price on beading and reveals.
could you push another pound per m bod if youre going direct to the customer?
Depends where you are in the country as prices seem to vary a lot. Where do you stay? Ask the boys in your area!
id price it at 840 plus materials which would be around 150-200 mark depending on if its board or reskim
3.50 walls 4.00 ceilings labour only. 4 walls 4.50 supply then add pva scrim and beads plus on the measure make sure its paid across windows and doors other wise you want linear price on beading and reveals.
could you push another pound per m bod if youre going direct to the customer?

I used to think that myself until you start getting under cut. when i used to work for a firm they were paying £2.75 a meter and they were pricing at £3.50 supply so i know its tight on profit, and this is what i was told by a mate of mine whos a QS.
how long ago was this mate? is he the qs of the plastering firm? i reckon he's having you on bod mate seriously, after paying you and their tax, wastage etc he'll be doing the job for nothing
i know lads who get 3.50 on walls as subbys ........or is this a sign of the times?
hey nicksey...that was the 5000'th post yours...
have a glass of something to celebrate...
im gonna have a tinny to celebrate the 5001st... 8-)
wonder how much danny gets per post??
how long ago was this mate? is he the qs of the plastering firm? i reckon he's having you on bod mate seriously, after paying you and their tax, wastage etc he'll be doing the job for nothing
i know lads who get 3.50 on walls as subbys ........or is this a sign of the times?

Who's payin 3.50?
the missus got the ale so heres a errrr yates and jackson? :-? to the 5002'nd  :D
how long ago was this mate? is he the qs of the plastering firm? i reckon he's having you on bod mate seriously, after paying you and their tax, wastage etc he'll be doing the job for nothing
i know lads who get 3.50 on walls as subbys ........or is this a sign of the times?

Who's payin 3.50?
sorry mate that's one thing i'll keep to myself ;)
how long ago was this mate? is he the qs of the plastering firm? i reckon he's having you on bod mate seriously, after paying you and their tax, wastage etc he'll be doing the job for nothing
i know lads who get 3.50 on walls as subbys ........or is this a sign of the times?

No mate he was a QS for kier and we were doing there plastering and that was about 5 years ago so it was boom time mate.
bod he's having a laugh unless theyve done the job at a loss to get the job youre mate is being very proficient! at 3.50 - 50p supply it leaves them 25 p per m
were you and the boys the main sub contractors?
Yes we were the main contractors, also this was a few years ago and i know they were getting skim for about £2.30 a bag it might have even been cheaper so broken down thats only 23p a m2 on skim i expect they were getting money on beading and scrim i do know that the prices were cheap thats why they packed it in and went screeding it was way too competitive with the likes of NB and GHT they had to keep the prices low i heard they used to do a job for cost to get the work and add on loads of extras as they knew the legalities and could screw em over.
yeh mate i dont want to start anything slanderous but i heard ght were paying 1.80 p m and getting a lad to come behind with a tub of aimes
for me if it's true completely defeats the whole point of plastering  >:(
last i heard of nb was 2.80 ish skim
these lads firing the extras in do have to be a little carefull though you still have to do a fair survey of the job
at the end of this recession........if it ever comes i won't be working for peanuts again, if people want a decent job and a half decent amount i want to be taking home 150 before tax after paying my labourer ........that is what a skilled tradesman should be earning  :D
id be wanting 150+ working for someone else...ill do a room a day but that puts me on about 2.30 a metre...
private its easily double that...
say you get a ceiling 15m2, thats 34 quid... no way on gods earth would you charge a customer that...youd be suicidal in a fortnight..
i charge min 100 quid to skim a ceiling, then 50 quid a wall, makes it 300 quid a room..
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