pricing up work.....

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New Member
hiya guys hope your all well,
as ive said before im starting to get more work coming in and have been out the game a while, when im going to the customers houses to price i find it hard to work out.
i want to do it on just a day rate or sqmeter?
what would you reckomend day rate or sqm
i prefer day rate is this right???????? dont need to know how much but just the best way thanks again :-[
yeh day rate. Theres too much to take into consideration with domestic, like furniture to move, sheeting up, cleaning each day etc. work out what you want a day then times that by how long it will take you and add on your materials.
Bruce Willis said:
yeh day rate. Theres too much to take into consideration with domestic, like furniture to move, sheeting up, cleaning each day etc. work out what you want a day then times that by how long it will take you and add on your materials.

thanks alot bruce, i was on the right track then.... 8)
I did a piece about how to price jobs on here somewhere, f*cked if I can remember where it is now :)
i price now for an hour of sheeting up then charge an hour for the clean up at the end (although not much to do to be honest) .....£10 an hour......i hate wrappin up at the end of the job and loading the van up for some reason (strange)....anyone else like this??????
No! I can't wait to sling everything in the van at the end of the day... 3:30 ;D
& then get on the road ;D
I'd love to charge for cleaning up, but I don't spill nothing. Honestly, in a 5 day week I probably loose about half a day sheeting up and cleaning up. Considered knocking money off if I don't have to clean up after
jmplastering said:
hiya guys hope your all well,
as ive said before im starting to get more work coming in and have been out the game a while, when im going to the customers houses to price i find it hard to work out.
i want to do it on just a day rate or sqmeter?
what would you reckomend day rate or sqm
i prefer day rate is this right???????? dont need to know how much but just the best way thanks again :-[
never do by the meter it`s all good if you get big walls and ceiling but when it come to all the little fiddley bits they take time and you wont cant paid alot.
what i do is i go in some ones house i look at how many days its going to take me then work out what i want i day and that it allways put a bit extra on incase something don`t go to plan but dont take the piss.
i have a rate for skimming, rendering and reskimming. measure it. see what it comes to. work out how long it would take and times by what u want a day. which is more expensive? thats what u charge
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