dunno bout you lot but if its a small bathroom its only 2 little sets, any tile adhesive left on and i give it a tight coat of hardwall over a light pva, let it firm up and striaght on it with two coats...
id go in at 300 and get the job...domestic is too hit and miss to go in at top rate round where i am, id love it at 400 but someone else quotes it a 300 and i spend a day in front of jeremy kyle earning sod all and hes 300 quid better off....
really small bathroom and u got the option of hitting it in one set....
sink and bog still in and it can be a pain but if you got the option like iso valves etc..take the buggers out or get them to do it, dead easy....baths dont bother me at all, in fact you just sheet it over and use it for a hop up!
anyway you dont really wann be skimming round a bog and sink..looks crap...tell em...and if they look at you gone out invest in a 15mm pipe slice, some flexi tap connectors (1/2 inch) 3 of, one for the bog, two for the sink, get the ones with iso valves built in, you then get a stand pipe for your water....stick 50 quid on for the plumbing plus materials and tell em itll look like a newbuild instead of a rough refurb...always helps if they know what their paying for..makes you look pro too...