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New Member
hi guys been to look at a job tonight ..its a 400 yr old cottage .. anyway an old couple live there and they want me to skim 6 ceilings  approx sizes are
bedroom 1, 13 by 10
bathroom 11 by 4 ( this ceilings curves at the edge were it meets the wall)
landing 14 by 7
bedroom 2, 21 by 8
shower room 6 by 8
dining room 16 by 13

5 out of the 6 ceilings have wallpaper on and they also want me to strip that off ( like i said they are an old couple and cant do it )

just wonderd wot prices you guys would give for each room to skim and how much extra would you charge to take the paper off

or would u charge a day rate cos not gonna be sure if the wallpaper come of easy
i would charge a day rate to strip ceilings..... lets say £100 a day. if the papers been up there for 400 years i dont think you'll have a problem striping it off ;D

and £100 a ceiling labour....... thats what id do

also id put money on it...... that there lath and plaster, so overboard may be a question
yeh i was thinking off going down the day rate route . cheers trowel ... ill mention it to about laths when i give them my quote
i know nothing in this area but... if its 400 years old is it listed?
If so there may be restrictions on it but i'm sure someone hear will know about that.
where's segs when you need him?
i never thought of it been listed ... im off back to see them tmrw so will try and find out ... good idea about testing 1 ceiling ..... cheers lads
i tend to drink alot more when i do old jobs like that..... so u'll need the extra cash for booze and junk food ;D
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