hi guys been to look at a job tonight ..its a 400 yr old cottage .. anyway an old couple live there and they want me to skim 6 ceilings  approx sizes are
bedroom 1, 13 by 10
bathroom 11 by 4 ( this ceilings curves at the edge were it meets the wall)
landing 14 by 7
bedroom 2, 21 by 8
shower room 6 by 8
dining room 16 by 13
5 out of the 6 ceilings have wallpaper on and they also want me to strip that off ( like i said they are an old couple and cant do it )
just wonderd wot prices you guys would give for each room to skim and how much extra would you charge to take the paper off
or would u charge a day rate cos not gonna be sure if the wallpaper come of easy
bedroom 1, 13 by 10
bathroom 11 by 4 ( this ceilings curves at the edge were it meets the wall)
landing 14 by 7
bedroom 2, 21 by 8
shower room 6 by 8
dining room 16 by 13
5 out of the 6 ceilings have wallpaper on and they also want me to strip that off ( like i said they are an old couple and cant do it )
just wonderd wot prices you guys would give for each room to skim and how much extra would you charge to take the paper off
or would u charge a day rate cos not gonna be sure if the wallpaper come of easy