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New Member
after reading all the posts on the ceiling thread thought id ask how much would you guys do a reskim on a room say: 4x3 including ceiling. say average 2.4 height. ;D
i'd have to see it first... it aint a standard board job and youve prolly had a bash yourself first...
not a real job chris just curious on the prices thats all
id prob do it for £300 inc materials
its either gonna be 200 or 300... depends on the state of it whether i can have it in 2 easy sets or not.. extras - 30 quid for a gravity rad, 20 quid for a combi rad, architrave/skirt removal refit - negotiable depending on your experience and expectations... is the ceiling artexed? prolly make it 3 sets... are you gonna remove the carpet / furniture? and how far is it from the van to the cold tap to the room? and are you a miserable old f'cker with nothing better to do than moan about anything and everything? and by GOD you better have a kettle.. ;D
I'd do it for around £60 inc. mats as long as I could do it one evening, it would get me out of the house rather than staying in and reading more of this bollo***, and if it went well I'd throw in a free bottle of wine for the customer.
Re: price
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2009, 09:34:26 PM »
Reply with quoteQuote
i would do it for 400 and send a pol in there for 75 Grin

i wouldnt go for £75 - a "pol"

Nice introduction Vik where you from? ignore simps he just G** and from somerset or cornwall oir somewhere down that way , any way welcome ;D
Why does it matter what everyone charges? Everyone has different expectations of what they want to earn.
Yes lads, I am pol. :)
Btw. My firs post so welcome everyone. Bit rude not to introduce at firs place.
Victor from Warsaw, now London since 2002.
spunky said:
Kiedy Czy mówisz Piec wasz Palec Wewnątrz wasz Wujek Pośladki ::)

That's the most sense I've ever heard from you Spunky ;D
And no I don't speak whatever that language is.
Kiedy Czy mówisz Piec wasz Palec Wewnątrz wasz Wujek Pośladki

This basically means:

“When why speak fireplace yours finger inside yours uncle Botoxâ€￾ :)
Vik.M. said:
Kiedy Czy mówisz Piec wasz Palec Wewnątrz wasz Wujek Pośladki

This basically means:

“When why speak fireplace yours finger inside yours uncle Botox” :)

Like I said, most sense I've heard from Spunky ;D
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