price to skim ceiling over artex

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New Member
went to look at a job today .... it was a living room approx 15ft by 15ft over shitty artex like the old half moon squirl .... looked like a lot of work .... wots the general idea on pricing for a job like this .. p.s is there such a word as squirl ::)
how long do you think it will take?
how much do you want to earn per day?
how much will your mats cost?
not done many jobs over artex ,,, but the ones i have done have been hard work .after the last one i swore id never go near an artexed job again but i dont wanna be turning work away ..... any advice or tips on skimming on artex :-/
thinking maybe its best to get 2 of us on it . i dont think i would get across it in time before it starts to go off
a local time served spread would charge between the moment!.........between 100-150 plus mats so youre competing against them mate
ive done a similar job mate, i took 2 days over it, 1st day scraped back artex, pva, then i spread a neat coat of bonding over the top of the lot ( just enough to cover the high points of the artex ) when that had gone off, i stuck a coat of wba on top, next day went back and skimmed it, hung like a dream. this is of course only if you have the time and patience for the wba, bonding etc
wickes plaster bonding agent, £11-12, 3kg tub, does the same job as thistle bond it but a lot cheaper, it makes any wall (any reasonably flat wall) seem like plasterboard. in my opinion anyway.
ive done a similar job mate, i took 2 days over it, 1st day scraped back artex, pva, then i spread a neat coat of bonding over the top of the lot ( just enough to cover the high points of the artex ) when that had gone off, i stuck a coat of wba on top, next day went back and skimmed it, hung like a dream. this is of course only if you have the time and patience for the wba, bonding etc
dont be afraid of suction mate , you need to catch the wall at the right time and 10 trowels early on will only take the top coat off, if it needs bonding add a handfull of cement and by the time youve hada cuppa it should be ready for a float, when youre skiming it it will take some water thrown at it more than board but look out for bubbles and give it a good hard trowel when youve finished
p.s theres a national shortage of wba and you can buy one of trowel addict for 40 quid off ebay ;)
i do these all the time, i even advertise for em...
wba over that and youll have it on your own easy enough, its quite a large ceiling, granted but the wba will take any panic out of it, just make sure everythings out the room first, even the carpet if you can..
... use board finish...
id want 160 quid for that size inc mats
i do little ones for a onner with pva in 3 hours...
Christ, I must be the most expensive plasterer......

I getting around £18 m2 thats all in but on a ceiling that size I would just PVA and skim and charge around £220ish (hope none of my cutomers read this)

I have a good reputation for skimming over artex and like segs I can almost call my self a ceiling specialist

thanks lads it seems that im very green about these things .... cant beleive how much i dont know ... never even heard of wba til i posted this ... seems to be good stuff... would i use it cos its such a big ceiling and it gives me more time ??... db said he,d put a coat of bonding on b4 a coat of wba and then skim confused :-X ::)
thanks lads it seems that im very green about these things .... cant beleive how much i dont know ... never even heard of wba til i posted this ... seems to be good stuff... would i use it cos its such a big ceiling and it gives me more time ??... db said he,d put a coat of bonding on b4 a coat of wba and then skim confused  :-X ::)

If the artex ain't as deep as the Grand Canyon I'd just scrape it back a bit, coat with WBA and then skim it. If it's gonna take 2 days with the prep and waiting for WBA to dry etc then charge for 2 days. Just explain to the customer the pros of what your doing.

I haven't seen the job but from what you've said I would do the prep one afternoon and skim the ceiling the next morning once the WBA is dry. That way you've only really spent a day on it and ain't just waiting around for hours. I would be looking for about £190 - £210 inc materials. Easy to justify on a job like this ;)
you boys make me laugh nearly all of you have quoted site work money, you should be looking at charging 200min plus materials, with materials include your diesel money. with swirly artex id nearly always bond it out first pva then skim.
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